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You'd just got home from a three week long business trip. You walk into your building. You were so happy to be home. Your neighbor Steve (Rogers) had been taking care of your Dog, so that's your first stop before going to your place. You knock on his door but there's no answer. He must be taking the him for a walk you think to yourself. You send him a text telling him you're home and to come over to drop off your dog when he gets back. You walk over to your door and go into your apartment and lock the door behind you. You put your bags down on the floor and get a glass of water from the kitchen. You walk to your room, and open the door. To your surprise, you see a man in your bed. The shock of it make you drop the glass in your hand. When it shatters the man jumps up with a gun in his hand and points it at. You scream. He runs over to you and covers your mouth with his hand. At this point your frozen in fear. The hand he's covering your mouth with is metal and it was cold like the hand of death. "Please don't scream. I'm not going to hurt you." The man say as he takes his metal hand away from your mouth. He also puts the gun away on his hip. "My neighbor is Captain America and he'll be here any minute, you say trying to scare the man. The words didn't even seem to be fazed him. In fact he didnt even blink. He just stared at you. You look at him clearly and it hits you. You've seen him before. Everyone's been to the Smithsonian. That's Bucky Barnes! "You're Bucky Barnes!" You say. "Shut up" he says, staring at you intensely. "You can trust me. Steve is one of my closest friend, and any friend of his is a friend of mine" you say. "Shut up!" he yells at you, scaring the daylights out of you. There's a knock at the door. The sound made you flinch; you're completely on edge at this point. He looks at you but doesn't say anything. There's another knock, and another, the last one louder than the one before "That must be Steve bringing back my dog" you whisper. He grabs you by the arm and whispers in your ear "answer the door." He gives you alittle push as you walk out the door, closing the door behind you.
You open the door. "Hi Steve. Thank you so much for watching my dog" you say. "Is everything ok, I thought I heard a man yell." says Steve. "Nope, no man in here,  just me. Here. Alone. I'm totally fine" you say nervously. Steve can tell immediately that something was wrong. "Are you sure" he says looking you straight in the eyes. "Yes, Steve. I'm completely fine" you say as you shift your eyes towards your bedroom and back at him. In that instant, the window in your bed room breaks and your dog starts barking like crazy. Steve grabs you and says "stay here" and he run to your bed room. He comes back seconds later. "Who was that, in your room?" He asked. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you" you say.
"Try me" he replys.
"It was Bucky Barnes" you say....
End of part 1

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