Me? A Shield agent? Ha

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You regained consciousness slowly. You're still a bit dazed and disoriented. You realize you're laying in a bed, and its not yours. In a panic, you spring up from the bed. The sudden movement made you light headed and you almost fall to the ground, but your caught before you hit the floor. "You should lay back down" says Bucky as he helps you back to the bed. You sit on the bed and look around. "Where are we" you muttered. "A safe place" he says as he goes back to sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. The room was plain, it only had a bed and a chair; no other furniture.

"I thought I was going to die." You say running your finger through your hair. "You would have if I didn't throw her off of you. Didn't I tell you to hide." He says looking at you like you were a child in trouble. "Yeah, but she was calling back up and more people would have came and we would have never gotten out of there." You tried to explain.
"You should have never been there in the first place!" he exclaimed, startling you. He realized he was scaring you. He took a deep breath and asked calmly, "Why were you following me?" You didn't know what to say, all you could think about was how much your head hurt. You could tell he was getting frustrated and feeling uneasy which made you nervous. He is a brain washed assassin who has killed a ton of people according to what Steve told you. Who knows how unstable he is you think to yourself, which makes you even more nervous and scared.

He's staring at you like he knew what you were thinking. "Look, I'm not going to hurt you ok. I just saved your life today. I just want to know who sent you. Was it SHIELD?"
"Me? a shield agent?" You say laughing. He was not amused, so you get serious. "No. No one sent me, I was just...I don't know what I was doing" you admit.

He just stares at you, dissatisfied with your answer. "So, you're not shield, and you're not hydra," he says as he gets up from his seat and walks towards you.

Now he's standing in front of you just staring down at you. You've never been so scared in you life. He suddenly grabs you by your arm and pulls you up from the bed, bring you close to him. Your faces just an inch apart, "Who the hell are you?" he says, his voice as cold as the metal hand around your arm..
End of part 3...

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