8. The Progression Of Oddity

398 19 9

Word count: 1566


Harry slept in, and surprisingly it turned out to be Ron who woke him, throwing a jumper at him. "Oi! We've got Lupin first, and if u want to be late that's fine by me, but I'm not waiting around for you, mate. It's not a bad class."

Harry perked up slightly, though his face remained buried in his pillow, listening to the recurring argument in his head, on whether he should be late to class, but with an extra 15 minutes of sleep under his belt, or get there on normal time, having the last few lessons be gruelling as ever.

His love of the topic and teacher eventually won out, and he sat up, stretching. He got out of bed and staggered over to the bathroom to shower, along with the rest of his morning routine.

Leaving the bathroom, he saw Ron with his eyes furrowed, and looking around the room dejectedly. Harry tilted his head with raised brows, "You alright, mate? You're looking a bit lost."

Ron nodded slowly. "Looking for something?" Ron nodded again, scanning the room and appearing as though he was in deep thought. He then suddenly grinned wildly and swivelled around, opening his box of collectable chocolate frog cards and finding his wand, partially beneath Artemesia Lufkin, who Harry knew to be the first female Minister of Magic in the late 1700s, due to his own copy of the card.

"But why was it.. -never mind.." Harry started, ending with a chuckle. The raven grabbed his things and went to breakfast, Ron in tow.

Hermione tutted at them as they sat down, face hidden behind a thick brown book with yellowish pages. They ignored her and each grabbed their food, Harry's consisting of toast and jam, and Ron's a large plate filled with sausages and eggs.

Hermione looked up, though not at her friends, but behind them. Harry immediately followed her gaze.

"Great.." he muttered, turning back around and resting his cheek on his palm as he continued eating, a bored look on his face. Hermione's gaze switched to him and she pressed her lips into a thin line, wrapping her arms around her torso, as Ron's head remained down, too busy stabbing his egg with his fork to notice the small interaction.


Draco, for some... odd reason, couldn't seem to get their conversation from last night out of his head.

He had gotten rather nervous when Harry interrogated him about Merlin knows what, and so he began messing with him back. But what he didn't expect, was for Harry's reaction.

He denied it, but only Barely.

And Draco couldn't help but think... what if..?

His thoughts were cut short when he saw Harry turn around. He hadn't even realised that he had been staring, but Harry certainly did. He couldn't quite work out the expression on his face from this proximity, but it was clear it wasn't a good one, as when he turned around again, he slouched in his seat and rested his head on his arm.

Draco rolled his eyes, and the question that had been circling his head not moments before had well and truly dissolved in that moment, and he stirred his coffee slowly, slouching in a similar manner to the raven.


Harry and Ron entered the classroom and sat down at their desks, chattering quietly and waiting for Professor Lupin. The door swung open and the class fell silent as Professor Snape stormed down the aisle between the desks, flicking his wand, making the windows slam shut and darken the room.

When he got to the front he pulled on a string, making a white projector screen drop from the ceiling.

"Turn the page 394.."

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