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"The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new."


   As you woke up, yawning quietly, you heard the quiet sound of Dabi's breathing, and you smiled to yourself as you looked down at him, his expression peaceful.

   Bending your head down, you gently pressed your lips to his, before resting your head on his chest again. Unbeknownst to you, Dabi had been awake for about an hour, and what you had done shook him to his very core.


   As I felt something lightly brush my lips, I opened my eyes, and saw (Y/N) put her head back on my chest. My eyes widened, as I realized what she had done.

   "(Y/N)?" I inquired, my voice soft, and as she lifted her head to meet my gaze, for some odd reason, a feeling of euphoria surged straight through my heart.

   Her cheeks reddened as she realized that I had been awake.

   "I- I'm sorry, I um. . .I don't know what came over me." She said quietly, her voice soft as she apologized.

   "No. . .You're good. It was just payback, for what I'd done." I said, noticing a slightly hurt look cross her expression, but then I blinked and it was gone.

   She nodded, and looked out the window, her emerald green eyes studying the slow descent of the sun, city lights beginning to glow mutedly--it was later when they would have their time to shine, blocking out the stars in the night sky, no pun intended.

   "I just remembered that Shigaraki told me that I was the person assigned to do the laundry for everyone every week..." She murmured. "I guess I'd better get on that."

   "The hamper is in the closet." I said as I watched her stand up and leave to go get a laundry basket to put the clothing in.


   You returned to his room, a laundry basket balanced on one of your feathers, which floated in the air. When you looked around, Dabi was nowhere to be seen, and shrugged, humming to yourself as you collected a few shirts and socks from his floor before dumping the contents his laundry hamper into the basket, walking out of his room and going to the other rooms that had been designated for the men in the League.

   Quietly knocking on Shigaraki's door, he opened it, and you were met with a tired expression soon joined by a subtle smile once his deep crimson eyes landed on you.

   "Laundry?" You inquired.

   "A moment, please." He replied, leaving you standing at his door, before returning with arms carrying clothing, which he placed in the basket, yawning as you continued on your way, collecting clothing from Spinner, Twice and Compress.

   Going downstairs, you put the men's' load of laundry in, doing the same thing with the girl's load once the men's had dried.

   Now came the matter of sorting and folding all of the clothing. You settled to start with Toga and Magne's clothing, folding them and putting them in a pile, before working on the men's. Thankfully, they all had a specific style that they went for, so that was easy--Shigaraki preferred comfortable clothes, Twice, well, you didn't know what was going on, but what you did know was that he wrote down his name on each of the tags of his items of clothing, including underwear. Spinner wore tanktops, and you already knew what Dabi wore, which was usually a t-shirt and jeans with the occasional hoodie. When the League last went clothes shopping, Shigaraki made everyone get a different colour or brand of socks, and, for the men, boxers.

   So far, everything was going well, but when you pulled out a pair of black boxers with a blue elastic (A/N: idfk what its called. but yk, the stretchy thing at the top usually with the brand name), your cheeks flushed a bright red, recognizing the colour as the one assigned to Dabi. Quickly folding the pair of boxers, along with a few others, you made your way upstairs, giving everyone their clothing.

   Arriving at Dabi's room, the door was open just a crack, and when you opened it further, your mouth open to speak, not a sound came out as you looked at what was in front of you.

   Dabi stood there, shirtless, zipping up the fly of a pair of jeans he'd put on. As his arms moved, muscles rippled under the patches of healthy and scarred skin--he wasn't very muscular, so to speak, though he did have a toned body, with abs visible, but not overly so, a bit beyond just muscle definition. His black hair was a bit damp, and hung in his cerulean eyes which blazed like a wildfire, truly a sight to behold, looking more like a statue of Adonis than a human being.

   The red in your cheeks, which hadn't left your face since folding the laundry, only intensified tenfold. Quickly placing down the laundry basket with his clothing in it, you turned tail and fled down the hallway towards your own room.

   Little did you know, Dabi had seen the whole thing from his peripheral view.

Words: 867

Hello there! It's been quite a while, and I apologize for that. I have no proper excuse for it, other than laziness and not writing for a while, along with not really being into anime for several months. Anyways, I hope you all are having a lovely day and looking forward to another chapter!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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