Chapter 4: Surprise!

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Emiko's POV
Man today has been one surprise after another........

~a little while earlier at Emiko's house~

"Maybe we should tell her Ichigo", I heard Katara say while I was walking down the stairs. Well more like creeping downstairs to hear what they were saying, same thing. When I got to the last step it decided to be FREAKING LOUD AS HELL!
Ichigo stood up and walk to where I was only to see me pressed up against the wall like I was in a spy movie, he looked me up and down, he gave me a smirk.
"Emiko come over here"
Motioning his finger for me to come along with him
Damn it
I followed Ichigo into the kitchen to find Katara preparing my breakfast and that was very odd because the one who does the cooking here is me and Ichigo.
"Emiko! Come sit sit" she grabbed a hold of my hand and sat me down forcefully, damn.....perky and strong
I winced rubbing my lower back. "Emiko, we have something to tell you"
I turned my attention from my back pain to Ichigo, who wrapped his arm around Katara, they both looked straight at me...smiling. This is either really good or really BAD
"So what do you have to tell me?" I cocked my head to the side waiting for their answer.

"We're getting-"
"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!!!", Katara shouted, she turned around and kissed Ichigo passionately, Ichigo was surprised at first but then he started to kiss back.
"Wow! Congratulations!" I started to clap but suddenly stopped when I noticed that they weren't paying attention...
Wow their still kissing...
I flinched when they fell down, I got up and went to see if they were okay and yet what do I see, them starting to make out.....ummm okay, I'm going to have more than one nightmare tonight. Yeah more than one... All I could see from the nightmare was flames.

I grabbed my guitar case and bag and headed out for the door, I wasn't really hungry for some reason. I opened the door and for reasons unknown the clicking sound of the door got their attention instead of my loud clapping.
"Emiko you didn't even touch your breakfast" Katara looked at me with concern, "I'm fine, I'm just not hungry" Ichigo brushed off Katara and walked in front of me, he placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Emiko are you alright? The last time you weren't 'hungry' was when you had those nightmares"
"I'm fine don't worry"
I gave him a reassuring smile and he returned one back. With that I headed off to school, but for some reason I had butterflies in my stomach and my heart was pounding a little fast, what's going on? why am I feeling this way?
I ignored the feeling, but it was still there.
--le time skips--
When I enter the gates my heart starting speeding up and my stomach decided to be a home for butterflies.
Is this because of the dreams, or because of Ichigo and Katara... No this is's like happiness, joy, nervousness, and cheerfulness all in one
I went to the fountain and sat down to think and then I see it.....Kaoru, walking past the fountain with his brother.
Yup, thats why, its Kaoru
Just thinking about him, how kind he was, how he actually helped and didn't say any rude comments. I began smiling.
I'm smiling again. I mean it cant be because of him.....right? I barely know him, yet something about him draws me in, he's different from his brother

It was very true, I can tell them apart, well everyone can do that. Something about Kaoru is different than Hikaru.....I think it's his smile, yeah thats it. When they went to the restaurant Hikaru's smile looked mischievous and develish but good in a way, Kaoru's was kind and gentle, a bit innocent, and yet mischievous.
His smile...what am I thinking? He is just another rich guy that thinks the world revolves around him.....yeah like every other rich I've is different... I don't know how but maybe soon I'll know
I smiled and headed to the cheery blossom tree to study, who knew that the feeling would return when I looked up to see Kaoru.

I closed my textbook and looked back up at him,
"Hey Kaoru"
Again he froze, but this time he didn't tense up he just smiled
"Hey Emiko"
It was my turn to be shocked, my jaw opened up a bit......
He remembered my name...but no one remembers my name
Ever since I was young there were always rich people near me, and most of them I'll see every day, but none of them remembered my name or bothered to remember. Except for him.
"You okay Emiko?" I quickly snapped back, but I was still amazed.
"You remembered my name?"
Kaoru looked at me confused and sat down beside me crossing his legs
"Yeah..why wouldn't I?"
"Most people don't remember my name...."
"Yeah but that doesn't matter, I don't care if people don't remember my name"
I smiled at him, not wanting to continue. He returned one back....a sweet one, it made my heart speed up faster
I bet he can hear my heart rate. We talked for the rest of the time.
since he is here why don't I ask him about what happened back at the restaurant
I gathered my courage and asked him
"When you went to the restaurant, I said your name and you just froze, why?"
His eyes widen
I probably shouldn't have asked that, but I really wanted to know.
He looked away but then looked at me again, he hesitated a little but before he could've said something the bell rang
We both left, the question still unanswered and maybe I'll leave it that way.
It looked like he didn't wanted to answer, so I wont force him, and besides I need to focus on what class I'm going to be transferred too.
Im in his class
my heart started pounding
again with the pounding....he's just a guy
We talked outside and everything, he was very kind but a bit mischievous, he took my glasses and told me to get them after school in music room three.
"Miss Kiyomizu, you may sit next to Kaoru Hitachiin"
I looked straight at Kaoru and he look a bit surprised but then smiled, he motioned his hand for me to come sit down in the desk next to him. I made my way to the seat looking at my feet and at the desk, trying to ignore some glares, but I was already use to glares.
I sat down and faced Kaoru and smiled sweetly he returned the same gentle smile that made my heart pound.
This might actually be okay if my heart would stop being this way
~some time later~
"Okay class I want you to pair up with someone and talk about what we have just learned"
Everyone started moving while I was at my seat drawing jellyfishes and sea stars. Someone tapped on my arm, when I looked up I saw a familiar gentle smile.
"Hey partner" Kaoru pulled up a chair and sat at my desk, I was a little taken back but I just decided to smile, "hi".
I felt some girls glares pierce through my back but I just shrugged it off.

~some more time later~

It was lunch time, Kaoru left with his brother and Haruhi stayed back in the classroom.
I headed towards music room one to eat my lunch from home and to practice some drawing techniques. Kaoru introduced me again to Hikaru and Haruhi, we talked for the remainder of the class period. Hikaru and Kaoru explained Haruhi's situation and why she was dressed in a boys uniform, it was something about breaking a vase or something like that. After they explained that we talked about our funniest childhood moments, the pranks the twins pulled, favorite tv shows, hobbies, etc.
It was actually fun, but I did my best not to mention much.....

Its not that I don't trust them...well maybe it was kinda like that...

Ever since I was little I never let anyone close to me
Well it was kinda like the other kids didn't want to get close, but still I only let my family get close and that was because they were my family.
I went to a public school but I went to a private place were all the super wealthy went, to keep practicing my art. Kids at school thought that I was better than them and the super wealthy kids looked to me as trash. I only had my family. They were close to my heart and I was close to theirs.
But that all changed five years ago. Lets just say ever since the accident, I had two rules...
One: never let anyone to close, for either I hurt them or they hurt me.
And two: don't let anyone pick on the lock.

I made my way to the music room 1 and went inside
I sat on the window sill and began to eat my lunch while I began sketching some flora and fauna.
I turned my attention to the door to find two girls
And boy do they look pissed.

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