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After being sent flying off the building and falling off from it, Battle Beast recovers from that fall as people started to panic and run away, he stood and to look up to see SuperBoy as SuperBoy was gliding, starring down at him...Battle Beast smirks...

Battle Beast: Heh, Looks like I spoke too soon.

And so, SuperBoy quickly dashes towards Battle Beast as Battle Beast swings his weapon to him, hitting him and sending him flying and towards a building, but SuperBoy quickly recovers and again goes dashing towards Battle Beast as he lands a punch towards his face, soon SuperBoy started throwing punches towards Battle Beast, Battle Beast started to feel that those punches were actually meant to hurt, and he was liking it...then Battle Beast started blocking some of SuperBoy's punches as he started fighting back, he throw punches and kicks as SuperBoy can feel them hurt, he knew Battle Beast was built different and yet super strong, so SuperBoy took those punches and was still standing as he, he block someone of Battle Beast's punches as he quickly spears him and flies him crashing him through buildings, afterwards, SuperBoy tosses Battle Beast away as Battle Beast started rolling to the ground, quickly recovers and to run up to SuperBoy again, SuperBoy goes flying towards Battle Beats and again was going to punch him, but Battle Beast dodges quickly underneath SuperBoy and to grab his leg, and to hold it and slamming SuperBoy to the ground back first, and to slam him several times and then to slam him on top of a vehicle, (YN) kicks Battle Beast face to let him go and to leap up and to land a powerful axe hand above Battle Beast's head and dropping him down to the ground, afterwards, Battle Beast quickly gets up and to leap towards him and yet to land his teeth towards SuperBoy's side gut, biting him and not letting go...

SuperBoy: AAAAUGH!!!

Battle Beast: *Growls and chuckles*

Battle Beast clench his teeth harder and deeper, (YN) was in pain and can feel his teeth inside, he started punching Battle Beast's face several times to let him go, but couldn't, so he uses both hands and places them towards Battle Beast's face and to forcefully push him away and to get rid of his teeth from his he does, he can see some of his skin slowly being ripped apart, after, he manages to take Battle Beast mouth off from his gut, and to quickly wrap his arms around his waist, and to fly up taking Battle Beast with him, and to fly down with such speed and giving Battle Beast one giant power bomb from the sky and causing the ground to shake...
After that, smoke was clearing the away as Battle Beast then kicks SuperBoy away and for him to get up from that power bomb...both him and SuperBoy stare down at each other, panting and wounded during their fight, SuperBoy spits his blood, and Battle Beast his blood...and so, the two dash towards each other again, and to strike each other with vicious punches, Battle Beast then uses his claws and to manage to scratch SuperBoy towards his chest, leaving a big bloody mark, SuperBoy then strikes and lands a brutal punch towards Battle Beast's chest, and causing him to spat a lot of blood, Battle Beast grunts and chuckles as he then strikes a vicious knee towards SuperBoy's gut, and making him spat out blood, and then a uppercut towards his chin, SuperBoy recovers from that uppercut and to then swing his head and landing a powerful head butt towards Battle Beast's head, afterwards, SuperBoy grabs and picks Battle Beast up and to body slam him to the ground, and to throw some punches to his face, Battle Beast quickly kicks SuperBoy out of the way as Battle Beast leaps up and to dash towards SuperBoy and to land on top of him and dropping him to the ground, and to throw punches at him, SuperBoy grunts as he then shoots his heat vision towards Battle Beast, sending him flying up to the sky and SuperBoy to go after him, as he does, the two were in the sky as Battle Beast then grabs SuperBoy's neck and to dash to the ground and to slam SuperBoy to the ground...afterwards, Battle Beast kept on holding onto SuperBoy's neck, choking him, SuperBoy then crosses his leg around Battle Beast's arm that he's using to choke him, and for SuperBoy to try and not let go of his arm and trying to break it, Battle Beast was struggling for a bit but manages to fight off as he carry's  SuperBoy with his arm that is being hold from him, swing him and to get started slamming him on top of a vehicle several times as SuperBoy wasn't letting go, he was close to brake Battle Beast's arm, Battle Beast gave a loud angry roar as he places his claws towards the bite mark that he gave SuperBoy to his side gut, as SuperBoy screams in agony of pain, he manages to let go of Battle Beasts arm, Battle Beast then started to throw some punches at SuperBoy, and then to grab his weapon from his back and to swing it and managing to hit SuperBoy with it, he again try another swing, but SuperBoy this time block that swing with a fist, and to push Battle Beast away and to grow angry as he spears Battle Beast to the ground, and then to grab his tail and to slam him to the ground and then tossing him towards a building, and to dash at him again, and to fly upwards to the building, dragging Battle Beasts body towards the wall, afterwards he then holds Battle Beast upside down and to dash towards the ground and to slam Battle Beast again to the ground, afterwards, he grabs Battle Beast's leg, and to slam him one more time to the ground, causing him to bounce up and SuperBoy to land and strike one brutal punch towards Battle Beast's gut, and causing him to spat so ouch blood out and to send him forging crashing through several buildings with that punch...
Afterwards, Battle Beast was badly wounded, but yet he still got some fight in him, but the beating he's gotten from SuperBoy is a pain for him...and he's never felt so much pain like that that he actually is still liking it so far and wanting to keep fighting SuperBoy....then, SuperBoy appears and started to walk up to Battle Beast...

SuperBoy: Had enough yet?

Battle Beast: *softly chuckles* Not quite...this is getting more fun.

SuperBoy: Suit yourself then.

Battle Beast grabs his weapon again and ready to keep fighting SuperBoy...and as SuperBoy flies towards Battle Beast...
Suddenly...he then felt...weak all of the sudden, and yet to fall of the ground...and yet to feel his whole body giving up...

SuperBoy: the...hell..?!??

Battle Beast gets up and with a confused and disappointed look on his face...

Battle Beast: Please, don't tell me you're giving up.

SuperBoy: N-Nrgh! *The hell...!? Why do I..don't have strength?! What's going on-

Battle Beast: Weak!

Battle Beast rushes at SuperBoy and to swing his weapon and to brutally hit SuperBoy towards his head and managing to barely opening his head and to send him crashing towards a truck...afterwards, Battle Beast then leaps up and lands on top of SuperBoy and yet to squeeze his feet towards SuperBoys's ribs and braking them little by little somehow and easily...SuperBoy grunted and was in such pain he doesn't even know what is going on...

Battle Beast: Tch, pathetic.

He swings his weapon and to hit SuperBoy with it brutally, so brutal that it made his chest wide open with that hit and splat a lot of blood out from it...after that...SuperBoy was still weaken somehow still...Battle Beast was gonna end him already...but notices sirens heard from a distance and yet a a big airplane arriving as well...Battle Beast wasn't looking forward for that...and just wanted to leave he walks away from SuperBoy, and to look back at him...

Battle Beast: I don't know what you suddenly given up...but...the next time we meet again soon in the future...don't you dare weaken on me.

Battle Beast then teleports himself back to his dimension/world...and never came for SuperBoy, he was still feeling weak still, he doesn't know why or just happen out of nowhere...and yet to lose unconscious already...he started to blur out...

SuperBoy: M-Mary....

And as he was about to pass out...he suddenly then gets a little look of someone gliding on the sky, and yet happens to see him very familiar with that super suit he's wearing...and he only knew one person that can fly other than him and Mary...

SuperBoy: ...M-Mr...Grayson....?

But then...he shuts his eye close...and to pass out and lose consciousness...
And yet, this whole time since the beginning when Mary and Titan arrive at Machine Head's building....Omni-Man was there the whole time...and yet didn't even bother helping Mary, her own daughter fighting off the villains...and didn't even bother giving SuperBoy a hand with his fight with Battle Beast....and on top of that...while seeing the fight between SuperBoy and Battle Beast...he then was holding something, a small green crystal that happen to be glowing...just like how Debbie saw the glowing from her backyard....and yet this crystal happen to weaken SuperBoy on the last was kryptonite, a rare item crystal that his father, SuperMan is weaken with back at his home world...and yet somehow Omni-Man has it for some unknown reason....


Invincible: SuperBoy Rises (Mary Grayson x Male Reader) Book #1Where stories live. Discover now