Coming Soon

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Meanwhile, at a home city of Chicago, the people in the city were minding their own business, some heading to work, heading to home, cars being busy, bit of traffic as well. Then suddenly, and out of nowhere, a green portal has opened in the middle of the street, leaving the people confused and out of their minds not even knowing how a portal just opened up out of the blue and cars stopping too and not getting too close to that portal...then suddenly, up in the sky, something super fast crash through several buildings, building towers as well as the people in Chicago began panicking and started evacuating the city and find cover as the police officers started evacuating them for a safe place to take cover. Meanwhile, we take a look back at the sky, as we both see two superheroes duking it out towards each other, this specific hero punches the other hero, and to tackle her down to the ground crashing and to back away...this hero is familiar, and yet is obviously can tell who he is. He is none other than (YN) Kent, AKA, SuperBoy...
He happens to be in another earth dimension...and fighting a super hero, a female hero, who is wrapped around with a wire covered in some kryptonites, blue kryptonites...and yet, the female hero is familiar as well, only this time she looks way different from (YN)'s POV knowing he's from a different earth dimension...she is none other than Atom Eve, AKA, Samantha Eve Wilkins...

Atom-Eve: Damn it!! Why aren't these kryptonites working!?

SuperBoy: Eve!! Will you just calm your ass down for a sec and let me explain-

Atom-Eve: Oh the nerve of you to say that!!!

Atom Eve then blasts her powers, hitting straight to (YN), yet (YN) blocks her attack with an ease as Atom Eve goes rushing to (YN), only for (YN) to tackle and pin Eve down to the ground, trying to talk to her...

SuperBoy: Hey!! I don't wanna hurt you, alright?! But you're really pushing my buttons here!!

Atom-Eve: Hurt?! Since when the hell did you became all softy?!

SuperBoy: What?! What are you-

Atom-Eve: You think I won't forget for all the mess you're parents did?! What you did afterwards?! To our home! Our people!! Our friends!! ...even you're girlfriend!

SuperBoy: !!?

Atom-Eve: I don't care if you've changed, it won't never-

SuperBoy: Hey!! Just listen!! Look, I don't know what you're talking about, AND, I don't know where I am especially, but all I'm gonna say, is that I'm from another dimension! Whoever you're mentioning, you got the wrong guy!

Eve stood quiet and yet utterly confused and shock at the same time, even she began to realize that the blue kryptonites wrapped around her body isn't even affecting (YN) at all, which is weird because only green kryptonites affect (YN)...she yet remained calm as (YN) got off from her and helping her get up...

Atom-Eve: Before...I continue to kick your ass...tell me, what's your name.

SuperBoy: My names (YN) Kent, in my home world...I'm known as "SuperBoy".

Atom-Eve: (YN)..Kent, and ... "SuperBoy".?? ...Oh aren't lying at all.

SuperBoy: I know I'm not.

Atom-Eve: It's, you look just like "him"...

SuperBoy: Those kryptonites wrapped around you...

Atom-Eve: You know these too?

SuperBoy: Yeah, similar at my home world, only thing is their green.

Atom-Eve: I wonder these weren't affecting you. So, you are from another dimension...holy shit.

SuperBoy: Yea. But, tell me...where are the rest of the guardians of the globe?? And Cecil?? And Mary?? And of course myself.

Atom-Eve: ....

SuperBoy: What?

Atom-Eve: ...In this won't like what I'm about to tell you, not even the fact how you were born as.

SuperBoy: Eve, tell me...what-

???: Well, Well, Well...

Suddenly, a voice was heard, not only that, (YN) can see the sheer fear from Eve's face, as she and (YN) quickly look up and to spot yet another super hero, or to day a super villain...

???: Well, this should be very interesting.

This super villain happens to be the counterpart of (YN) in this dimension, only different is, he looks threatening, vicious and yet menacing, wearing a costume, almost like his own, but instead with the "S"'s a "U" sign...

SuperBoy: ..Who the hell are you?

???: Oho, my apologies, where are my manners. Allow me to introduce myself and my home world. My name is (YN) Luthor, or you can call me....UltraBoy.

Invincible Presents: Mary Grayson x Male Reader(Book 2)

(Coming This Summer)

Invincible: SuperBoy Rises (Mary Grayson x Male Reader) Book #1Where stories live. Discover now