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We then left at the point where SuperBoy has gotten his chances beating Omni-Man into a pulp, yet again he told him to leave earth and never coming back....Omni Man agreed to it...and yet did left that time, SuperBoy flies his way to GDA, and to go check on Mary, and so he did...he arrived at HQ, and to walk down all bloody and beaten up...Debbie was with her and the two noticing him entering the room...

Debbie: Oh my god! (YN)!

Mary: (Y-YN)..!!

Debbie approaches to him...

Debbie: Oh gosh, your all bloody, and that chest wounded is barely opened! A-Are you okay?! Are you hurt?! D-Did he...

(YN): ....I'm fine Ms.Grayson, my shoulder is just stiff only.

(YN) then walks over to Mary, as he sits down and holds her hand...Mary then stood up from the bed, and slowly hugs (YN), and she quietly started sobbing and relief to know he's alive after all....

Mary: Im glad you're not...dead anymore...*sniffs*

(YN): ...I's okay, I'm here for ya....and Sorry  that this happen to you Mary...

Mary: ...It's fine...I-I just...don't wanna talk about it.

(YN): ...I understand.

Mary: So...what happen between you and him-

(YN): I let him leave...not cause I wanted to, I just had...a reason, you know. And I'd make sure he doesn't come back...and...I know it sounds messed up for me telling you this and your mom-

Mary: I-It's okay...I's just....

She shed tears, and then to lay back down...and looking away....(YN) knows how hurt she is after finding out about her father lying to her her whole life...Debbie wanted to try cheer her up...but (YN) stops her...and nods at her, letting her know that Mary needs some time herself....she nods and then leaves the room...

(YN): ...We'll give you some alone time, rest easy.

And as he was about to leave the room, he stopped for a sec, and to then turn back to Mary, approach to her, and then to land a soft kiss onto her forehead...which surprise Mary, and then (YN) walked out...Mary stood quiet after that kiss she she then lays back down...and to rest...and think about (YN)...
As he and Debbie leaves the room...Cecil then appears...

Cecil: (YN), Debbie.

Debbie: Cecil.

(YN): Hey old man.

Cecil: Jesus boy, you look like hammered shit.

(YN): Hm, could've been worse.

Cecil: Head over to a medical room, I got doctors and nurses ready for you after...well...

(YN): Right.

He then walks away and gets himself treated from the wounds...and then Cecil starting to speak with Debbie about Omni-Man not here on earth anymore...

Cecil: Debbie...I wanting to...tell you about....*sighs* If it's too much, just say so, if you were me, it'll ease you mind for everything to have things taken care of-

Debbie: Just get on with it Cecil.

Cecil: ...Since Omni-Man left earth for good, thanks to SuperBoy....and we aren't preserve bout his secret identity, and to keep you and Mary safe, Nolan Grayson official die across the house the street explosion due to leaking gas. I know his travel books always sold well, but sales will see significant spike after his and Mary will be fine for the money. And don't be alarmed if you see yourself on TV news, we send proxies to the funeral so your lives can go back to normal.

Invincible: SuperBoy Rises (Mary Grayson x Male Reader) Book #1Where stories live. Discover now