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As we left off...Invincible, Mary has saw everything, from her father, of what he did to Immortal, and who he truly is....a murderer. She was trembling in fear, and scared to see her father like this...

Omni-Man: Mary, sweetie...we need to talk.

She sees the bloody hands, the eyes of a murderer, and how dangerous her father is looking right now...but she doubts it, deep down she thought maybe he's being kind controlled, so she dashed and started throwing punches at him...

Invincible: S-Someone's controlling you dad! Come on dad! Tell me how to stop this!

Omni-Man: ...Mary.

Invincible: Let go of my dad!! Let him go!

Omni-Man: Stop.

Omni-Man pushes Invincible away...

Omni-Man: It's just me Mary, just me.

Invincible: B-B-Bu...I-...I don't understand...!

Omni-Man: *sighs* This isn't how I wanted to go, but I don't have a choice. Its time for you to know where I REALLY come from...: I am from Viltrum, but it's not the planet I told you about...we had created a perfect civilization, but took all of our strength, determination, courage to get there. In order for our people to reach their full potential, we had to remove the weak from our society. It was a long and...difficult process. When it was over, our population was cut in half. But emerge from the ashes was unstoppable. By the time I was born, Viltrum was the greatest empire on our galaxy. We decided to make our only empire galaxy, once I was old enough I joined the war, it was hard...but I believed in our cause. Some species resisted of course, but no one can withstand from us. Soon our empire took over thousands of planets. But as our forces grew, our expansion grew thin and has to stopped. We needed a better more efficient way to conquer worlds, our worlds most trusted officers were given us planets to weaken by themselves...and I was the lucky ones, and made me go to earth.....I didn't...wanted to tell your mother about it when I was here....but that time has come to an end. But now, we need to have earth join the Viltrum empire!

After hearing all that from her dad of what he truly is capable of and his true self...Invincible felt broken, lied, and betrayed from her own father...after all the years....she shed tears...and cry...

Omni-Man: Mary, this is good news. We can finally do what we are meant to do, be who we are meant to be.

Invincible: ...Y-You lied to me....

Omni-Man: You couldn't handled nor known the truth.  Not had your powers, not until I was sure.

Invincible: ...Sure of what??!

Omni-Man: Sure if you were viltrumite, and-

Invincible: So what if I wasn't?! I'd be just one mere human to conquer?! No! Th-This doesn't make any sense! You love me, you love mom! I know you do!

Omni-Man stood quiet...and replies...

Omni-Man: ...Do you have any idea how long we live? The older we get, the slower we age. Viltrumite blood DNA is so pure, you're nearly full blooded. You'll live for thousands of years, you understand what that means?? Every one you love and know will be gone before you even look 30. And it's something I...want from you....this isn't your world, it's there's. But we can help them, we can stop wars, elongate hunger, give them medical technology, centuries ahead of what they have right now.

Invincible: ...

Omni-Man: We've been doing it, if it wasn't for us, this planet would have been in flames. All we had to do is welcome earth into our empire. But....I do love your mother, but...she's more like...a pet to me.

Invincible: SuperBoy Rises (Mary Grayson x Male Reader) Book #1Where stories live. Discover now