25. The Memory

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"Galen!" His name hauntingly left my sore throat. The golden liquid flowed with an appalling glint, his energy leaving him rapidly. Time felt frozen, his rapid breathing being the only count of each moment. Yet his expression remained calm, minimal pain in his tone hiding the suffering in his aura as always.

"Audrey... I'll be fine. The others need your help."

"No you idiot, you've been stabbed by a demonic blade. The others don't need my help."

I frantically thought of a way to get him to safety. Going through the portals could hurt him more and we had absolutely nothing that could save him right now. We were in the Land of Chaos and there was no way it would help Galen.

Despair threatened to fill my thoughts and they wandered towards Jay, wishing he or my mother were here. Aurelia's recollection of the Annual Ball subconsciously entered my mind. And that's when it dawned on me.

If I'm an angel, I can heal him...

I recalled Aurelia's words, her small instruction before we left the land. She briefed me on the healing abilities of Angels to prepare for this sort of moment.

"Slowly put your hand on the wound and think of something that makes you happy. It could be a memory, a song, your imagination - anything. We draw our healing abilities from our emotions. Only true and powerful angels can do it from thoughts."

I slowly placed my hand on his wound, pressing it gently. He pursed his lips to give me a weak smile, though stopped when I gestured for him to relax. He closed his eyes, remaining conscious but preserving his energy.

I closed my eyes and drew all of my energy to my hands. I let go of the chaos rampant in my mind, letting my aura mellow and weaken so that the needful could rise, buried somewhere in the depths of my thoughts.

One of my dearest memories flashed before my sight.

Sunlight entered through the wide windows, illuminating the space. A grand piano sat in the middle of the wooden room, reflecting the brilliant light. My mother's fingers moved over the keys as she played a soft melody, her aura like an accompaniment to the song. Galen and I playfully sang along with other, smiling with occasional pokes to each other. Mother's light laugh filled the room with life, her eyes filled with fondness as she looked towards her daughter and her friend.

"Come on mum, it's your turn to sing!"

Galen and I stopped singing while mum's notes continued. She slowed with a rallentando, pressing the keys with a controlled and soft touch. Taking a deep breath, she sang.

"Hey... Jude."

She paused, and in her angelic voice, sung the song.

"Hey Jude.
Don't make it bad,
Take a sad song,
And make it better."

A song of life and hope, created by human beings with so many reiterations since its composition. Sometimes, as she sang, I felt as if mum told me to make the sad things of the world better both for others and myself. It had found a permanent place within me; learning. Letting the worst teach us, so we could become better people.

"And any time you feel the pain
Hey Jude, refrain,
Don't carry the world upon your shoulder.
For well you know that it's a fool
Who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder.
Na na na naa-naa"

Her voice reverberated through the room, sending thrills through my skin. Her emotions poured into the sound but were never heavy, and I no more simply listened to the song. Galen sat motionless with a smile and at that moment, I felt true happiness. With solitary peace in my consciousness, the memory of my mother and my friend beside me, who were always there for me.

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