Chapter 2

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After they defeat the Siren attack fleet, the modern shipgirls and Ironblood shipgirls continue to cruise towards the Wilhelmshaven. After ten minutes, they finally arrived.

Vaterland: So this is the base.

Tirpitz: Ja.

Vaterland: So we will meet Bismarck, the leader of Ironblood Navy.

Dönitz: Can't wait to see that war hero for sure!

Bromberg: So what are we going to do now Frau Tirpitz?

Tirpitz: You three can stay in the docks. I and Z23 will notify Bismarck.

Meanwhile in Bismarck's office.

*Door knocking

Bismarck: Come in.

*Door opening

Bismarck: Oh. It's Tirpitz and Z23. What do you want to talk about? Sis.

Tirpitz: We want to report about our patrol situation.

Bismarck: What's special about it? Did you encounter a Siren fleet?

Tirpitz: You get half of it correct. Sis. Another thing about the situation is we encounter three shipgirls who claim themselves they belonged to Ironblood from the future.

Bismarck: Wait. Is that true?

Z23: It's true. Lord Bismarck. They also single-handed wiped out most of the entire Siren fleet we just encountered.

Bismarck: Huh. That's interesting. So where are they right now?

Tirpitz: In the docks. Sis.

Bismarck: Maybe I should meet them. I should see what these Siren killers made out of.

Meanwhile at the docks

Bismarck arrived at the docks to see the modern shipgirls.

Bismarck: Guten tag. I'm KMS Bismarck. The leader of Ironblood Navy. Are you the shipgirls came from future Ironblood?

Vaterland, Dönitz and Bromberg: Ja.

Prinz Eugen: Would you three like to introduce yourselves to Lord Bismarck?

Vaterland: I'm KMS Vaterland of Vaterland-class aircraft carrier.

Dönitz: I'm KMS Dönitz of Dönitz-class cruiser.

Bromberg: I'm KMS Bromberg of Danzig-class destroyer.

Bismarck: Ah, I see. Tirpitz told me you three single-handed destroyed most of the entire Siren fleet you all encountered with them. Is that true?

Vaterland: Ja. Three of us destroyed two Siren battleship, a Siren cruiser and five Siren destroyer.

Bismarck: Woah. That's impressive. I will probably test your capability to see if you can take against any ships from Azure Lane factions.

Bromberg: What do you mean by Azure Lane factions?

Bismarck: Oh, I forgot to explain that to you. In our world, we the humanity face the threat of Siren who putting havoc to our seas. Hence the shipgirl like us are put to fought against them. Unfortunately, we have different views of way to fought against Siren. Hence split into two major factions, Azure Lane and Crimson Axis.

Prinz Eugen: The Crimson Axis faction is consists of Ironblood Navy which is us and Sakura Empire. While our enemies, Azure Lane is consists of Royal Navy and Eagle Union. So basically we currently at war with Azure Lane now.

Bromberg: Understood that. Frau Bismarck and Prinz Eugen.

Vaterland: Hey Dönitz. Why does that sounds familiar to me?

(TNO×Azur Lane) The Modern Kriegsmarine Fleet In Azur LaneWhere stories live. Discover now