Chapter 3

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Vaterland POV

It's already three days I have been here. It's very strange from any senses. First I turn into a human when I wake up in the middle of the sea. Then I found my Kamerad which are also a ships that turn into a human as well.

That's not the only thing I found strange. We also found three WW2-era ships in human form and beat a enemy fleet from a faction known as Siren. It's like we found ourselves in a different WW2-era. I need to investigate more about this world. There's must be something with the storm appeared in North Sea Exercise that brought us here.

Vaterland thought to herself when she woked up in the room in the dormitory.

*Door knocking

Köln: Ladies, it's time to wake up. You three have things to do today.

Vaterland: Alright fine, wait us for a minutes.

*Vaterland sighs

Dönitz: Jeez. Why do we wake up so early in 7:30 a.m?

*Dönitz yawns

Bromberg: Honestly, I'm pretty hungry right now. Maybe we should get some food.

Vaterland: Yeah, you right. But first let us adjusted ourselves first.

After they cleaned themselves and adjusted their clothing, they head to the cafeteria where shipgirls eat their meals.

Bromberg: Wow, there are so many delicious food out here! I can't wait to try!

Dönitz: Of course, you may enjoy the food here to your heart's content. Bromberg.

Bromberg: Absolutely!

Vaterland: Not gonna lie. She looks happy when it comes to food.

Dönitz: So what do you want eat?

Vaterland: Let me see. I would like to take some bratwurst and some bread. Probably with a cup of coffee as well.

Dönitz: I would do the same.

After three of them have take some food, they sit on a table and enjoy the food.

Bromberg: That's delicious!

Vaterland: Bromberg, you don't need to eat so fast. It's not like the food will just suddenly disappeared in your plate.

Vaterland tell Bromberg to eat slowly when she saw her gorging on the food.

While they're eating, they saw a white haired woman with a cap and a white jacket. She is holding a food tray and sit besides them. When they're looking at her, she noticed them.

???: You look familiar, are you the one who done the test by Lord Bismarck?

Vaterland: Yes, and you?

Graf Zeppelin: I'm Graf Zeppelin of my class's aircraft carrier. You must be Vaterland as Lord Bismarck calls right?

Vaterland: Ja.

Graf Zeppelin: Are these your friends who sit besides you?

Vaterland: Ja. They are destroyer Bromberg and cruiser Dönitz.

Graf Zeppelin: Interesting. I hope to see three of your potential.

Vaterland, Dönitz and Bromberg: Okay...

After they finished breakfast, Bismarck arrived to tell three of them something important.

Bismarck: Do you all have time? I need to tell three of you something about a task.

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