The Start of Death's Path|P1C2

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"Well, where he fuck of am I?" Hans said. Hans looked around him and saw nothing but flammable objects or 'trees'. As he made that observation, he heard an unknown robotic voice, " System now fully updated, would you like to view useable commands?" "Uhhhhhhhhhhh Sure?"


"Is that really all the commands?" Hans said disappointed and slightly annoyed. "It would seem you only have unlocked one command, would you like to open Status?" "Why the fuck not."

Name : Hans Fuenkslün
Species: Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf. L
Level : 0/50
Points : 0
HP : 500
ATK : 100
DEF : 250
Titles : [Reincarnated]
Skills : [Repair I] [Resupply]

"Wait, I'm a Panzer....fuck, I should have studied more during world history" Hans said, " I fucking hat-" Before Hans could finish venting his frustration he saw a humanoid figure crouching around the bushes " 10 hostile humanoids detected within 40 feet of user" The system said

Hans was able to stay level headed due to his National Guard training and experience. He observed and saw 6 had swords, 2 with bows , and 2 with a staffs. He started by aiming his primary cannon toward the swordsmen and fired a AP round.

[Level up (1)
[ 5 Bandits killed| 235 EXP Gained/ 10 points gained]

Hans then opened fire with the coax machine gun killing 2 more bandits

[ 2 Bandits Killed |93 EXP | 4 points gained]

After witnessing their comrades get filled with holes by some sort of magic the Bandit Mages casted 2 balls which did 140 damage to Hans, after the damage he finished the two Mages off with HEAT shell. "Keld um" "One hostile fled they will probably tell their leader" The system said, "Let them come." Hans replied.

[Bandit Camp]

The Bandit Leader was planning his attack on a close by village, but as he was talking to his underlings until they were interrupted by a scout running into his tent spewing nonsense about a Metallic Beast.

"STOP SPEAKING!" The Bandit Leader shouted at the rambling Scout. "You will stop rambling this nonsense about metal beast and leave my tent or I will put you head on a pike!!!" The bandit leader yelled with anger as the Scout scrambled out of the tent, "Now where was I?"


Hans was roaming for hours trying to find something to kill to gain more levels as he was searching he found a odd creature that looked like a large wolf with horns and red eyes. He lined up his coax machinegun to creatures head and fired killing it instantly, "Boom Headshot."

[ 1 Blood Wolf |100 EXP | 3 points gained ]

"Hey system what are, points used for?" "That information is unknown until a ______ skill is gained." The system said, he was about to reply but then he heard something that filled him with bloodlust, "101 hostiles detected".

He was faced with a pack of blood wolfs with 101 in total he started by firing a HEAT round in the center of the pack killing 10. To Hans' surprise some them survived the HEAT round most with major injuries.

After the first shot the wolfs start charging, some disoriented by the noise. He started to fire at the disoriented creatures with his machine gun killing most. He fired 2 more HEAT rounds and 1 AP Killing more Wolfs.

[ Level Up (6) ] [53 Blood Wolfs killed |2278 EXP Gained| 159 Points gained ]

Half of the Blood Wolfs were dead yet, the rest were only 30 meters away and closing in fast. Hans kept firing rounds and shooting the machine gun but, luck was on his side, due to how close the wolfs were their ears drums were starting to rupture due to the constant boom of the tank firing, combined with them still packed closely together Hans was mowing through them.

As Hans killed the last Wolf he heard something that filled him with dread "1 hostile approaching." After this was said he saw a larger version of the regular Blood Wolf yet, 4 meters tall. "That's one huge son of a bitch." The Alpha Blood Wolf slowly walked forward like it was going to do a really long monologue, Hans took this opportunity to aim at the wolf and fired a HEAT round.

The wolf recoiled back after getting hit and seemed more pissed about getting interrupted than injured. The Alpha started charging at Hans at rapid speed, Hans kept firing and thought "Think bitch boy THINK" then Hans came up with a Great idea. Hans started to retreat and fire. Hans missed most shots but, it was better than facing that scraped dark souls head on, he got a few lucky shots in wounding the creature.

The wolf started to slow because all living creatures get tired, machines do not. Hans took full advantage of this by stopping to aim more precisely and hit a shot dead in between the Alpha's eyes. If he was human he would have fucking drunk beer, if he found any and celebrated, He felt joy and accomplishment as if he were on top of whatever planet he was on.

[Level up (13)]
[47 Blood Wolfs killed|1 Alpha Blood Wolf killed|5573 EXP Gained|241 Points Gained]

[New Command Unlocked "Tasks"]

"Hey System open available commands"


"Wow such a cliché, open tasks"

<Task 1 : Save the town called "Welten" |Rewards; Information and 1 skill |Punishment; Death>

"This is rigged as fuck and what even is the village threaten by?!"


The Bandit Clan's men have been marching for hours and are exhausted after the 20 mile march, so the leader allows them set up camp for the night. They will arrive to Welten in the afternoon. As the men set up their camp, their leader felt down in his gut that something was wrong. He shrugged it off and continued to eat his meal.


Hans was making his way towards the town at rapid speed and was there by morning. He was making his way to the wall when he came across a guard who seemed to be fearful. " I need help!" the lone guard said, as he said that more guards with bows and swords and one with a staff. They all were ready to fight if needed, Hans was quite annoyed at having weapons pointed at him , even if they couldn't hurt him too badly. As they were about to charge at the steel beast, a woman came out from the gate and said "Don't attack it!" The men seemed more annoyed then confused, "Tyrea, we told you to not interfere with us dealing with beasts! We are annoyed by your pacifist ideas!" Knight 1 yelled. The rest of the knights' yelled at Tyrea until they heard a bell, "THE BANDITS ARE HERE!"

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