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We were forced to move again when I woke up. My hands were forcefully tied behind my back by a walker-person, they made it as tight as possible when they found out I had a knife. They then forced a mask over my face.

"I'd rather be shot again than willingly wear this." I muttered despite still feeling groggy.

Luke, Alden and I were marched through the woods, despite how increasingly worried they got. I had no idea what they were asked but hopefully nothing stupid was said.

We were forced to walk across the crop field, towards the gates of Hilltop, where I could see my friends gathered in the watchtowers through the holes of the mask, which smelled of shit.

Once the mask was removed firmly, my eyes met with my father's. I wasn't surprised to see anger flashing across his face when he saw him, or when his eyes moved to my blood-soaked stomach I was pulling off. A knife was put to my throat.

"I wanted to kill them, especially with her mouth." the woman said and pointed at me. "But I want my daughter more. One of mine, three of yours...and I think you're gonna wanna take a look at that nasty wound. Wouldn't want her to get an infection now do we? It's a good trade, which is why you're gonna take it. Now bring me my daughter."

Dad headed back inside the walls, and I heard the growls of walkers approaching. A baby was screaming in its mother's arms, leading to her abandoning her child, causing the wailing child to be left for the dead. My heart started pounding as the baby was left, as a mother my heart was slowly breaking to see the innocent baby being left for completely mercy at the walkers.

"Hey!" I yelled through the gag. "Stop!"

My friends on the walls were trying to get the walkers' attention, but there wasn't enough banging to put the walkers off track. I screamed against the gag again, "No!" A mask wearer behind my knocked me in my gut and wound, I groaned and coughed in sudden pain as they pressed on my injured spot.

"Hey!" Alden shouted.

As I was hunched over, I could just see Connie sprinting to get the baby, before making her way back through the crops with the child safe in her arms.

It wasn't long after until my dad came back out, with the girl we kidnapped beside him. The leader walked forwards, meeting my dad halfway with me, Luke and Alden with knives pointed at our throats.

He pushed the girl towards the leader, so then me, Alden and Luke were pushed too. Our bonds being cut and weapons thrown onto the ground. My bow, small knife and Carl's knife, Luke and Alden's weapons too.

I stumbled towards my dad, falling into his arms. I had lost a lot of blood, the pain shot through my legs causing me to tumble into his arms before I fell onto the ground. He caught me and held me up, pulling my onto his arms protectively.

The previously upset girl walked towards her mother, "Sorry mom. Thanks for coming to get me."

The woman looked at her daughter for a moment, before hitting her around the face so hard that her head jerked to the side. She then embraced the girl after. "You call me Alpha, like the rest."

"Yes Alpha." the girl corrected herself.

"What the hell happened?" My dad asked and draped my arm over his shoulders. "You got shot?"

✓𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧² | 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥Where stories live. Discover now