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As soon as Carol and I rode back to Alexandria I immediately went home, it was still dark but in a few hours it would've been morning. I felt so stupid for letting Lydia run off like that, I should've told her the truth or some part of it. She was right, we were friends, I shouldn't of done that.

I went into the bathroom, ran the tap and quickly splashed my face with water and hopefully pulled myself together. But when I looked in the mirror I felt like I couldn't even recognise myself sometimes. The slight scars on my face reflected who I used to be, making me realise how much things have changed.

The long one that reached from the top of my eyebrow and down my jawline still stuck there permanently but sort of faded. My slightly greying eye, which I could barely see shit out of, was a main thing people stared at. And everything else just stuck.

Ever since I was told CJ was missing I don't think I've been the same, but I just hope that I can be soon. Maybe in the morning I'll wake up and this will just be a goddamn dream.

Things got worse.

Way worse.

Aaron and I were sat around the table as Carol and my dad were stood up, breaking terrible news to us that I knew would keep me up at night.

Siddiq was dead...

The sweet man that has helped me for years, supported everyone including me and CJ throughout everything. It was such a waste of a life for him to die, especially through the hands of someone we least expected.

Dante. That asshole. I knew something was off about him but I could never place my finger on it. I had no proof yet my gut feeling told me everything however I just ignored it.

My head was resting in my shaky hands, I wiped my teary eyes quickly before looking up and sniffling. This felt like a nightmare. I couldn't help but think about my last conversation with Siddiq, how off he looked and how scared he appeared...but I didn't pick up on it unless it was too late. Maybe if I said something then things wouldn't be like this.

"He's been here four months...How didn't I know?" Aaron breathed out.

"None of us did." Dad stated and walked to the other side of the room.

"I always had a hunch that he was an asshole but I didn't say anything." I chuckled dryly before looking up at everyone. "I should've said something." I put my head back into my hands with a groan.

"Don't blame yourself. None of us knew." Carol reassured me.

"We all ate together. Talking about training in malitia." He then breathed sharply. "He treated Gracie."

"He treated CJ and I too." I realised and lifted my head up.

"You guys can't do that to yourselves." Carol told us.

"Yeah. Especially now." Dad added. "We gotta keep our heads straight, try and figure out what's going on."

"My head ain't gonna be straight until we find out where that goddamn horde and Alpha is dead." I scoff as Aaron sighed lightly.

"Mary, the Whisperer I've been talking to, um, told me where Alpha is keeping the herd." He admitted to us. "It's over the border on their side. It's this sunken field on the edge of the national forest."

✓𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧² | 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥Where stories live. Discover now