Chapter 14

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I slowly opened my eyes to find that Jungkook was already awake and looking at me....Why does he always have no emotions on face and finding a smile on his face difficult? Good morning love - He said while tucking my hair behind my ears. Good morning - I said snuggling close to him. So any plans for today? - I asked. Yeah....I have to complete some imp. work! I'll be back in an hour or 2- He said caressing my cheeks. I'll be waiting then - I said smiling and he pecked my head before waking up. He went to the bathroom and I started checking my phone if I had any messages.

After sometime he came back in the room with towel wrapped around his waist. The well toned abs were on a display and were a blessing to my eyes. No matter how many times I'll see them they'll attract me. Like what you see? - He asked smirking while going towards his closet....His closet? Oh right we came in his room last I thought of last night my cheeks turned like tomato which could be used in place of tomato in any dish....

As I recover from last night moments.....I realized that he was already ready. Y/N, I am free tomorrow. Let's get your luggage from your apartment. I have made arrangements - He said looking in the mirror. Oh yeah....I forgot that I lived alone.....thanks god he isn't telling me to leave because....I don't think that I can love without him. Okay! I'll be ready tomorrow - I said. He turned towards me and came near me. He looked at me in eyes and still...they were still empty. He closed the distance between us and kissed me on the lips.

I was too shocked to process the happenings. He pulled away and said - Wait for me, I'll be back home soon - He said and left. I touched my heart hearing the loud heartbeats...which most probably he also heard. I stood up from the bed laughing and smiling. If anyone would have seen me he/she would say that I have gone mad but what can I say....these are hormones which were never able to be controlled by anyone then who am I to do that!?

I quickly got fresh and wore another gown....these gowns are so beautiful...I can't ever get bored of them. I put some light makeup and did my hair. After looking at the mirror one last time I went towards the dining hall to have the breakfast. It would be boring today without him....- I thought while walking. Suddenly I came across that door....the mysterious door. Why I always feel that this door is not a normal door. I feel like it's calling me.... I put my hands on the door knob to open it but suddenly someone called me from behind giving me a jumpscare.

Aah! You'll kill me one day! - I said keeping my hand on my chest. Ma'am the breakfast is ready...- The maid said. I nodded and started following her. I looked back at the door and asked - Why is that door so different from others? I got no reply. heard me right--- That door is different because it's waiting to reveal some secrets - She replied. Some secrets....? - I asked. You'll get to know soon... - She said as we came to the dining hall and she went somewhere leaving me alone between other maids.

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The book describes many disturbing scenes. Reader's discretion is preferred if you're uncomfortable with these type of content

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