Chapter 28

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I entered in the mansion and by looking around I can say that Jungkook wasn't here yet. Sarah! I want you in my room in 2 minutes!- I shouted as I went to my room.

After I entered my room Sarah came almost immediately. You called me ma'am?- She asked. Yes, I did. I know now what you wanted to hide about Jungkook from me.

Now I want the full truth Sarah! I know this is half because it's the point of view of outsiders but you can explain it in different way which no one else can. Now that I know about it from one side I want the other side as well! - I said determined to know the whole story.

Ma'am....I--- It's enough Sarah! I want the truth! Now! - I shouting in frustation. I..... please come with me ma'am - She said as she went out of the room and I followed her.

We stopped infront of that old looking door. She plucked a twig from the near by plant and inserted it in the keyhole and surprisingly it got unlocked.

She went inside the room motioning me to follow her. My fingers brushed passed those twigs and I felt that it was of some kind of metal which made me shocked that how my sharp eyes missed this evidence.

I followed her inside and it was just too dark. I was ready to fight if someone attacks but Sarah switched on the lights. My eyes settled after few seconds only to find and ancient room but it was filled with toys .

There was a cradle on the side of the room, a bed for a teen kid. The room was  looking as of it was a royal child's bedroom.....means it was Jungkook's older bedroom.

Why....did you brought me here?- I asked as she looked around the room herself in total amusement. Why are you so shocked?- I asked. I.....I am not shocked.... it's just how my mother told me.... it's same as that - She told.

Your mother?- I asked. Yes, we served the Royal family for ages - She said. Okay so leave all these things and tell me why you exactly brought me here?- I asked hurrying because I know Jungkook would come back soon anytime.

Just look around and once you are done with the whole room, I'll tell you everything. I looked at her confused but I have to complete this soon. I started looking around.....I can find many looks like as if I was playing with if it were my toys with whom I must have played.

The cradle had beautiful carvings on it and coincidentally the bed had the same carvings J and K.... Jungkook's initials. I looked at the cabinet and opened it. There were clothes of toddler and teen male kid.... accessories which kids used to wear few years ago from today in the royal family.

Suddenly I started feeling nauseous so I went near the window. It was of rotten body or blood. I kept my handkerchief on my nose and started to look around only to find pool of blood near the blood, it was kind of dried one but a special place was looking a bit different from the whole pool of blood......

Book is almost over and it's still in cliff hanger.
What do you think is the story behind the room?

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