Chapter 15

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Time Skip
Jungkook came in the room after coming back. So are you ready princess? - Jungkook asked as he hugged me from behind while I was taking my phone from the table. Yes baby! - I said. Okay then let me get fresh....we'll go then! - He said as he went to the washroom. I started scrolling down my phone when a notification popped on my screen from the browser. I was about to swipe it but the caption caught my eyes " The psycho king of South Korea"

I saw that Jungkook was still in the washroom and the voice of shower could still be heard so I started reading the article. In starting it was given about his introduction, then about his tenure and then it mentioned .....986 murders...!?What the hell! He is such a nice person and these people keep on trying to stain his image. They don't think that how much they can hurt them by this behaviour! I heard the shower stop. I have to compose myself..... I don't want Jungkook to feel bad about these things. Soon Jungkook entered the room and again it was just the towel around his waist.

I was again staring at his abs and like yesterday he again noticed because even if I don't want to I make it too obvious. Looks like my abs have became your obsession just like you have became mine....- He said last words whispering which made shiver run down my spine. I smiled looking away while turning into a tomato. I'll wait for you in the hall.....- I said and hurriedly went out. My action made him chuckle which made me more embarrassed.

Time Skip
We reached the apartment. I missed you a lot! I said hugging the door. Uh-huh you only have the right to hug me! - He said to me while pulling me away. I pout and he handover a key to me. I opened the door and looked around. Okay you go and pack, I'll be here. If you need something then call me - He said while sitting on the sofa. Umm....I have a request...- I said nervously thinking if he'll allow or not. Yes? - He asked. Can we stay here...? Just for a night? I have missed this place alot.... - I said.

Something snapped in his was scary but then he again became normal and said - Sure! It's for a single night....- He said. Thank you so much! - I said while hugging him tightly! Oh by the way how did you get the keys? - I asked. He showed me the keyring which I used to have with the house keys. OMG! These are my keys only! I said taking them from his hands.  How did you get them back? -  I asked happily. It were with me all the time.........

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Reader's discretion is preferred.
New part will be posted soon.

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