Chapter 30

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As I disconnected the call Jungkook entered the room. Hey baby! How was your day?- He asked flopping next to me on the bed. Good! WBU?- I asked trying to keep him unaware about the flood which was about to come in his life.

Mine was great! I had real fun today! Though I wanted to enjoy that more but I promised you that I'll come back home soon so I came - He said smiling.

Aww thank you my love! Would you like to have something? - I asked. Umm, no I just want to cuddle with you - He said snuggling close to me.

After whatever I heard today I should be disgusted but I was feeling more sympathetic towards him.....of course he is gonna get punishment for crushing the law even after being the king but for those 5-10 minutes I just want to hold him in my arms and feel his pain.

I don't know if I am just him obsession or am really his love but for now I am his Y/N and he....I don't know what he is to me. I just cuddled to him because when the force will arrive I'll know it soon.

I wasn't supposed to love him...I was here just to trap him and know his secrets....but things kept on happening which maybe shouldn't happen. The real question do I regret it? I don't know...

I heard faint sirens and I knew that the force was here. For some reasons I  wanted to stay in his arms and never wanted to let go. My eyes were full of tears but it wasn't gonna help....I have to stay strong.

Suddenly the door opened and Daniel entered. What the hell Daniel!? Who gave you the permission to invade my privacy?- Jungkook shouted more like roared which I am sure echoed in the whole mansion.

I...I am really sorry sir but it's important! The police is here! - Daniel said. But Jungkook didn't budge. So what? Like they can do anything - He said again snuggling closer to me.

Sir, they are not from our country.....they are from US....the main head quarters, we have to face them - He said looking down. I could feel Jungkook getting angry.

He looked at me and said - Dear, I'll be back in few minutes. Don't come down hmm? I just nodded as he left with Daniel.

Jungkook's POV
I came downstairs where the police were standing. Hello officers please take a seat- I said after sitting. No thank you Mr. Jeon, we are not here for your hospitality but we are here to arrest you- A officer said.

That's harsh for my hospitality but may I ask on what grounds?- I asked. A officer showed few photos in which I was killing my various preys. I scoffed and said- Seriously officer? On group of these photos! You know they could be morphed?- I asked raising an eyebrow.

The officer scoffed back and said - We know the law very well Mr. Jeon. They are the part of proofs but we have a witness voice recording. Oh is it? Where it is? - I asked getting curios. It can never happen that anyone would know about this from any kind of witnesses because Daniel made sure to clean everything every single time.

Here it is!- I heard a loud voice from behind. I could see Y/N descending the stairs.....I could see something different in her eyes....the eyes which were usually submissive and being bold and confident today.

Y/N, I told you not to come downstairs---- It's officer Kang Y/N, Mr. Jeon, Sergeant Kang - She said leaving me shocked, heartbroken and angry......

I have no words..... Just know that the next chapter is the last one
What you think the ending is?

JUNGKOOK || THE KING'S OBSESSION (21+)Where stories live. Discover now