Chapter Two: Rainie's Rain

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Morning came early for Rainie, before the sun started to rise over the horizon she was up and preparing for the day. Her sleep had been a troubled one, her fear of the unknown clouding her dreams. Moving quietly Rainie gathered the supplies she and Dawn would need for their rounds to the less fortunates, made more tonic for Gran Ivy, and cleaned the inside of their cozy home.

Not long after the sun had risen, Rainie heard Gran trying to get out of bed. Without any hesitation Rainie rushed to her side, to aid Gran in any way possible. Gran smiled and grasped Rainie's hands tightly. With Rainie's help, Gran was able to get out of bed and prepare for her day. Although she tried to hide it, seeing Gran Ivy this way broke Rainie's heart.

Gran had always been proud and strong. She could do anything, she helped everyone, everywhere, she did not care who they were, she helped them. She had even taken in Rainie when Rainie had needed someone the most. But now, it was all she could do to get out of the bed. She was too weak to even leave the house.

Shaking her sad thoughts away, Rainie made her way to Dawn's corner of the room. Sitting on the side of Dawn's cot, Rainie gently shook her awake. Dawn jumped, terror filling her gaze until she realized who had touched her.

Wiping her eyes Dawn whispered, "Is it time to get up?"

Smiling sadly Rainie nodded, "Yes, we have a long day ahead of us, we are traveling into the Haven today, and it will take time to get there and back. Come, eat something before we go." Dawn nodded and crawled out of the bed.

After a sparse meal of oats and making sure Gran was comfortable, Dawn and Rainie set out from their cozy home just as the first light of day peeked over the tops of the trees. They had been walking for several minutes when Dawn asked, "Why do we take supplies into the Haven?"

Looking sideways at her Rainie replied, "Because they need them."

"I know they need them, but why do they not leave for supplies. Why do they rely on others to do it for them?"

"Because Dawn, the people who live in the Haven, cannot leave it. It is the only safe place for them in the whole world."

Dawn frowned, "I do not understand. I know they have less than most, but I do not understand why they cannot leave."

Rainie sighed then looked carefully around them before replying in a soft voice barely more than a whisper, "The Haven is the only place in this world where those accused of being Magick are safe. Whether you are a Magick, or you are not, it does not matter in the Haven. The people who live there have lost everything, and though they wish they could leave and return to the homes they were forced to leave behind, they cannot. So, in turn we do our part, and take them what supplies we can."

Dawn was silent for several minutes before whispering, "If the Haven is a safe place, then why did my parents not take us there? If they had maybe- "

Dawn stopped mid-sentence, sniffling. Rainie gave her a gentle side hug, "Perhaps they did not know. If I had not been making rounds with Gran since I was a child, I would not know about it. The Haven is extremely hard to find if you do not know where it is, and there are traps to help protect them from the hunters. Let us not dwell on the past, on what could have been, instead let us think of what can be from where we are. Let us move ever forward. Would you like to play our game of riddles?"

Dawn smiled up at Rainie, wiped her tears away, and nodded, "No cheating this time Rainie."

Laughing Rainie grinned, "I will not, if you do not. Do you wish to start?"

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