Epilogue: One Year Later

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Rainie walked hand in hand with Jack, while Dawn skipped ahead a little, bending the light around her in a pattern all her own, they were headed to Veracity, where Caleb and Saffron had built their home, after meeting up with Caleb, Saffron, and little Lily, they would travel to the Temple of Truth to see Alethea, Rainie had a surprise for her.

Looking back on the last year, Rainie found it hard to believe that the world had changed so much. After the downfall of Malcolm, his nephew, Marcus had taken the throne and true to his promises, he worked tirelessly on ensuring equality for all and righting the wrongs of when Magicks were hunted.

His efforts were helped by the fact that everyone now had Magick, Rainie could not help but laugh about how Jack had finally discovered his. He had just been sitting watching Dawn play in the snow when all of a sudden, he was being licked by a momma snow leopard, she apparently had thought he needed a bath, his scream of terror still cracked them up, that had occurred a few weeks after the would-be burning. Apparently, Auntie Thea thought the hunter would love to be surrounded by animals.

Despite the shock of it, the gift definitely came in handy, they no longer needed to fear any wild animals, and it was less annoying for Jack than what Caleb had gotten, he now had super senses, so his hearing, sight, taste, smell and even touch were all heightened. The last letter she had received from Saffron mentioned that Caleb was having a hard time adjusting to it.

Rainie hoped he would adjust to it eventually, she would hate for Jack to lose his brother, that was one reason Rainie was happy they were visiting them, and it would give Dawn someone to play with. She and Lily had grown quite close while they had been at the Haven, and Dawn still talked about her a lot. Thinking about Lily, Rainie frowned.

Noticing Rainie's frown Jack asked, "What is wrong Raindrop, are you feeling okay?"

Rainie nodded, "Yeah, I was just thinking about Lily and the day she had learned that her parents had been slaughtered for trying to rescue her when she was being taken to the pound. The memory still upsets me. There were so many people who lost their lives to that cruelness."

Jack wrapped his arm around Rainie's shoulders, "I know, but we are slowly working towards healing those wounds, and for Lily at least, there was a happy ending. Caleb and Saffron taking her in and raising her is one of the best things to have come out of everything. That and our little family." When Jack said this, he dropped a hand to Rainie's stomach and let it linger there for a second.

Before Rainie could respond, Dawn skipped back to them, "Come on, Jack, Rainie, we are almost there. Please speed up, I am going to burst if we take too much longer."

Laughing Rainie shook her head, "You two run ahead, I will catch up."

Jack looked at Rainie then nodded, "What do you think Dawn, a race?"

Dawn grinned, "I am going to beat you."

Without waiting for Jack, she ran off. Laughing, Jack raced after her. Rainie just shook her head. Yes, one of the best things to come out of everything was their little family. From the time that she had taken Dawn in, Rainie had viewed her as hers, much like Gran Ivy had done with Rainie, but it was not until after everything that she learned that Dawn viewed her as her mom, and although she never called Rainie or Jack, mom or dad to their faces, Rainie knew Dawn saw them as such.

Rainie took a few more steps before she stopped, "Auntie Thea, would you like to walk the rest of the way with me?"

From the side of the road, Alethea glided into view, "You have become very observant child. I did not know you were coming so soon, I thought you would wait for snowfall. Is everything okay?"

Rainie nodded, "Yes, everything is fine, we just wanted to check in with the rest of our family. We were coming to see you too. Walk with me?"

Alethea nodded, "Of course child." Falling in step with Rainie, Alethea asked, "Tell me how are you?"

Rainie smiled, "Happy, and very blessed. How are you?"

"The same. Though I have been busy, there are more Magicks to oversee these days, and I must watch for those who would abuse their gifts. How has the hunter adjusted to his gift?"

"He started to like it, especially since it makes keeping Dawn and me safer, plus Dawn loves that he can call birds to sing with her. Though I wonder if you made a good call when you gave Caleb his gift, Saffron says he is struggling with it, perhaps you can help him?"

Alethea looked at her, pursed her lips before sighing, "Caleb is one I have been watching, I fear you are right, perhaps I should have given him a simpler gift, it may overwhelm him."

"What if you scaled it back, maybe give him one sense at a time, let him adjust then add another? This way he is not constantly overwhelmed."

Alethea thought hard for a minute before nodding, "Yes, I believe that is a good plan. I will do this when we see them, good idea child."

Rainie smiled, "I am glad you approve. Though before we arrive there is something I wish to ask you."

"Of course my dear, you know you may ask me anything."

Taking a deep breath, Rainie asked, "What was my Mother's and my Father's names?"

Alethea frowned and was silent for several minutes, they were at the top of the hill looking down at Caleb's and Saffron's home before she replied, "Your Father's name was Baran, and your Mother's was Rose. He did not have a gift, but your mother, she could grow the prettiest of flowers, very similar to the gift I gave to little Lily, though your mother's specialty was ivy vines and roses, why do you ask?"

Rainie smiled, then she pulled a small baby blanket decorated with raindrops, sunrays, paw prints, and ivy vines, "I am trying to decide what to name my little one. Jack does not want to name her or him after his parents, so we were thinking about after one of mine, I hope that is okay."

Tears appeared in Alethea's eyes she nodded, "That is more than okay, and I promise to make sure your little one has a wonderful gift."

Rainie pursed her lips, then said, "I prefer a better promise if you do not mind." Alethea frowned, smiling Rainie continued, "I want you to be around for my child's life. You are the last of my family apart from Jack and the others. I want my child to know their great-grandmother, and I want to know you better too. I understand why you stayed away, but the world is a different place. Granma Thea, promise me, you will be in our lives more. That is all I wish from you."

Alethea studied Rainie for a moment before grinning, "Can I tease the hunter a little?"

Rainie laughed, "Yes, just do not actually harm him, if he teases back."

Alethea shrugged, "That would depend on what he does, but all kidding aside, I believe that is a promise I can gladly keep, but your child will still have a great gift."

"I can live with that. Thank you, Granma Thea thank you for everything."

"You are welcome my child, now come, you have traveled far and need rest, and I have a gift to fix, and one to plan." Taking Alethea's outstretched hand, Rainie, followed her down the hill towards the little house, she could hear the laughter of the rest of her family echoing off the hills around them.

At last, the world seemed to finally be a bright and happy place, a place where differences could be celebrated, a place where magick was no longer hated, and those who wielded it were no longer hunted. Although they still had a long way to go before it was a truly harmonious place, Rainie was happy that for now at least, they were safe. 

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