Chapter Three: Jack's Clever Plan

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Jack lay at the feet of Rainie and Dawn, his side hurting a little, as he watched a decision forming in Rainie's eyes. He had not intended to get close to them this way, but he had run into an old enemy who still had not forgiven him, and things had gotten a little dicey. Jack did not see what the problem was, the guy had made himself a traitor when he set some Magicks free, after contacting the MA, all Jack had done was turn him in and collect the bounty, he had obviously escaped so there was no issue, but the guy apparently did not see it that way.

Rainie kneeled down slowly as if she were approaching a wounded animal, her hands held out in a calming gesture. Jack watched carefully waiting for her or the child to display powers, something that would betray them for what they were, but nothing happened. Rainie kneeled and pulled a canteen from her bag, cleaned his wound gently, and then rubbed some gunk on it.

When she was done, she said, "There, now you will be able to heal. Hopefully, the road will be safer for you."

Jack shook his head doing his best to look pitiful, which for him was hard because he was the least pitiful person he knew, but still, he needed to play this part just right, "I fear only the worst awaits me on the road. I feel too weak to even walk, let alone run. The bandits stole all I had; I will starve before I am well enough to earn enough coins for any food."

Rainie looked at Dawn, who looked fearfully around them, after staring at each other for several long minutes, the child nodded slowly. Rainie sighed, "You can come with us and meet our Matriarch, Gran Ivy, if she is okay with it, you may stay with us until you heal. If not, then you will have to make your own way in this world."

Jack nodded, "Thank you. Thank you so much. I am truly grateful for this sliver of hope for peace."

Rainie smiled, though it seemed a little forced, she helped Jack stand and allowed him to lean on her. They did not talk much as they walked, Jack in some ways felt bad for letting her practically carry him, but if he wanted to catch them, he would have to keep up the act. He always felt the hunt was a game, a game he could not afford to lose, and this time would be no different. He would outwit them, and hand them over to the MA.

At long last they arrived at the old run-down shack he had spied them at the night before, this meant they were solitary, good, that made the catch easier. They stopped just short of the door, Rainie gently lowered him to the ground, nodded at Dawn to head on inside, and then she spoke, "I need to ask Gran's permission to bring you into our home, if she agrees to meet with you, I will bring you in and she can deem if you will stay with us or not, if she does not agree, then I will have to ask you to leave. One moment please."

Jack watched her go, frowning, this would make the game harder if the old woman did not agree to meet him. He could not declare his hand too soon, but he needed proof that they were Magick. He always had proof before turning them over, it was the right thing to do.

Jack was plotting different tricks he could use to get inside, but he did not need them. Rainie returned minutes later and helped him inside to meet her Gran. Once inside the shack, Jack's mouth dropped, the place was awful.

The shack was one room, there were three beds shoved into the corners of the back wall, on the immediate right was a tiny wooden cookstove, a sink was made from a wooden slab resting on artfully placed boulders and a hole cut into the center with a basin placed into it. On the other side of the room sat two old rockers, a lowly barstool, and a stump with a drape made out of leaves.

Suddenly a voice spoke, and that is when Jack realized that one of the old rockers was occupied by an even older-looking woman. Her skin was brown from years of being in the sun, her long white hair was braided in a single braid that fell over her shoulder. Her eyes were sharp and clear and a deep brown. She sat with her head held high, pride etched into her ancient face. It took Jack a minute to realize she had asked him a question.

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