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Y/n: He treats me like shit, makes me wanna hate myself, I'm depressed because of him, he is the cause of my traumas but who cares duh my mental health flies to mars, self-respect to Saturn and human rights to Neptune. I love him a lot! That is TRUE LOVE!


Oh my God, my daddy choked me so sexily that I almost died.

Imagine loving a person who raped you!? Abused you? Seems so romantic?

Yes? Unfollow me right now!

Because if you like writing/reading such things then you suck as much as I did back then!

Holy Jesus, he starved me the whole day but I feel full just by his love UwU.

Cringe, EwE.

If you want to know how it feels like living with an abuser then let me tell you, they are the WORST PERSON ever alive on earth!

They control you! Manipulate you! They are narcissistic! They make you doubt your abilities and decisions. They try to use you like a doll. And they use various techniques such as gaslighting which breaks you as a person inside.

And don't forget the continuous verbal, physical, emotional and mental abuse.

And you CAN NOT change them!

Though they change you, totally.

And I can say this because I have SEEN my dad abusing my mom like an animal and yet my mom never says anything to him! In fanfictions yeah it is normal but for someone like me who is experiencing this in real life, it's hella traumatic and disgusting!

And I'm well known for the fact that there are many and many like me.

Usually, writers try to slide it down by making excuses saying -

It's just fanfiction.

But still, it is a whole freaking work of art from which other people get inspired! Many young kids read fanfictions and they write the type of fanfiction which THEY love, obviously, the tortured by mafia one. And this plants the idea that mentioning abuse in their fanfics in such a way is all oKaY.

We write what people want to read.

Why is mafia au so popular? Because we want to read such stuff! Why do we want to read such stories where girls are treated like animals and their self-respect plays no major role, especially when the rapist, abuser, a psychopath is your handsome idol?

Everyone writes so.

If everyone will start killing each other would you do too? I know when we first start writing we just write with whatever knowledge we have because we owe anyone nothing, but we do owe a lot to humanity. You can not just write it because everyone does so, that's a lame excuse.

Oh ram! xyz raped me but I will forgive him cuz I cannot see a drop of a tear falling out of his eyes.

Honestly, a big fuck you to you if you support such stuff, and unfollow me right now.

The fact that girls write things that violates their own rights, which disrespect their own fucking gender and look down at their fucking sexuality.

I'm so fucked up because of this fuckity fuck.

Why in the hell would anyone think psychopaths are sexy? Romantic? THE BEST LIFE PARTNER? AND THEY CHANGE ONCE THEY ARE IN LOVE!? SRSLY AM HIGH ON DETTOL!?

I Know I know that when we write fanfictions at a young age we do not know a LOT Of things but PLEASE FOR FUCK'S SAKE Do NOT write such things if you do not know the effect they can have on someone!



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