Kpop stans need to know this!

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Pretty fellas~

Before I start today's chapter,

I hope you don't fucking come at me saying I knew it all before or you can't say like this about our precious oppa i would die for them etc etc.

I'm sure you came across my account because you were into Kpop?

If you know this already, GOOD JOB but it's for those who don't and should be knowing it!

Have you ever thought of these things?

How are the idols always perfect?

Why do you like them so much?

Why do you feel like you know them so much?

Why do you stream their music videos and vote for them?

Why can't you stop yourself from watching their edits and contents?

And have you found this thing really really weird?

People always talking about kpop who are into it (some only)

People convincing others to like kpop as well?

I mean yes it's just basic psychology that a person would want their close one's to have similar interest.

But some people go to the extent of pulling out an argument to defend their idols.

And it's pretty normal for them?

Why? Because they are brainwashed into thinking that they NEED to save their idol.

Because they created the overall feeling that you somehow know and own your idol, he is your pretty pretty baby no one can talk bad about him.

It's not your fault! It's really not!

Your idol might be genuine but the intent is there! They appear perfect because of a reason.

The idol who is smiling and waving at you through your phone screen is wearing heavy make up, highly photoshopped  and they might not even feel like smiling? They might be forced to act happy?

And it's so common in kpop that you feel it's pretty normal!

Kpop is not just about music and dancing.

The companies create a perfect image of Idols  and sell them.

You start to like them. And then slowly loose yourself in their world. Where you are the invited guest and they are providing you countless good content and forming the feeling of you knowing them.

You are in a parasocial relationship.

You are their family now. And you can't leave them. They tell you everything about them!

No they don't!

They go on difficult diets, work hard and do all sort of stuffs because they want to be successful in the Industry.

There is this high competition among these idols which affects you in many way.

You look in the mirror and wonder why don't you look as flawless as them?

But you don't need to be flawless! You don't need to get that slim body, small face, sharp jawline or fine abs.

Idols do because it's a part of their job. They need to be attractive! They are not just singers or dancers but IDOLS who need to seem perfect in order to gain the fame and popularity and later to maintain it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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