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TW: amputation & r*pe









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L U C Y 

When I was twenty-three years old, I was raped. It didn't happen at a college party with a roofied red solo cup and it didn't happen in a secluded dark alley that I shouldn't have taken on the way home from work. It didn't happen because my dress was too short, because I was asking for it, or because I deserved it. It was much simpler than that. Let me tell you how it happened. 

Me: I'm really tired tonight, I don't feel like it.

Him: Come on, baby. I need it. I had a really bad day at school.

Me: I'm really not in the mood.

That was that. Then it happened the next night, and then the next. I refused every night because my mother taught me better. I refused because I didn't know him for all that long. I refused because I wasn't ready, even if all my friends were. But my boyfriend didn't understand that. He would get angry at me, he would tell me that he could easily get it from another girl. That I deserved to be cheated on because I wouldn't provide. So I let him in me. I didn't say a word when he did it. It was better than being cheated on, right?

Nobody knows. Nobody can see the scar.

Sometimes I think I might want to die. 







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When I was twenty-five years old, I lost a part of myself. It didn't happen because I was doing drugs, because I cheated on a girl I really loved, or because I did something stupid. It didn't happen because I made the wrong call, I acted too quickly, or I went down the wrong path. Let me tell you how it happened. 

Me: We need to get out of here, our cover's blown.

Platoon leader: We've got men out there, we can't leave them behind.

Me: Oh God, get down!

That was that. A bomb was dropped and our Humvee went flying. I heard a crack, a pop, and then pain I'd never experienced before. White-hot, blinding, enough to make a grown man cry. I don't remember how long it took before medics arrived, but I do know what happened next. Something strong wrapped around my shoulder. I think it was a belt, they told me it was a belt. Then I saw someone take a hatchet and light the blade on fire; it didn't last very long. What happened next was in slow motion. I saw the blade come down slowly, like little flurries of snow floating against the wind until they finally settled on the ground. 

Then, all at once, the blade came down and severed what was left of my arm. I don't remember anything after that. 

Everybody knows. Everybody can see it.

Sometimes I think I might want to die. 

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