~2~ A Little Carved Swan

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WATTPAD DIDN'T PUBLISH THIS DAMN CHAPTER PROPERLY. I was getting no notifications and I was all like "I guess the readers didn't like the chapter-" WHEN IN ALL REALITY IT WASN'T EVEN POSTED PROPERLY. I'M SO EFFIN MAD BRO.

This chapter uses a setting from a previous book, the Egypitnat arc of GOMLS act 1. If you are confused, make sure to check back to that section of GOMLS to refresh your mind.
The wind swayed the trees that rattled against the stained glass windows. The Cardinal of Inalia strode down the hallways of his home. He strode with a sly speed, his large figure getting in his way as he kept glancing over his shoulder.
They were here. He knew it. He couldn't see them, but he felt their eyes.
He yanked his keys out of his holy robes, his hands shaking as he forced it into the lock. Did it always take this long to unlock his doors?
He huffed in relief when his deadbolt clicked open, and he swung into his office. The three locks locked behind him, and he hunched in relief.

"You've been lying to me." A voice echoed through the empty room. The Cardinal froze, squeezing his hand around the knob on his door, considering fleeing. He couldn't see where the voice was coming from in the dark office.
A steel dagger glinted on the top of his knuckles, freezing him from running out the door.

"We don't appreciate liars." This voice was lower and deeper. Male, then.

The silver dagger that rested atop his knuckles rose and kissed against the knot in his throat.

"Turn around, my friend. My sister wishes to speak with you." Alexios Morretti growled.

The Cardinal didn't move too fast, hoping Alexios wouldn't slit his throat on mere principle.
The Cardinal's eyes focused on his desk, where a gentle flicker of the candle flames lit up the eyes of his worst nightmare.
Amalia Hera Morretti lounged in his velvet chair, her legs kicked up atop his priceless desk as she lazily skimmed over his documents. In her other hand, lightning flickered between her fingers. She played with her bolts of lightning as she read through his secrets.


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"Do not speak." She snapped.
She grabbed another document, skimming it over while sighing.

"I've been called many different names, Cardinal. The Moonlark, Queen of the Assassins, Firecracker, Killer of men... None of them really stuck, I'm afraid. Queen of the Assassins doesn't quite suit me anymore. Except for one name. A new one, you know." She swung her feet off his desk, beginning to stride forward.

She didn't wear the same dark raggedy robes of her brother but a simple black velvet dress. It hugged her muscles, both modest and intimidating. Her hair tumbled down her back, pieces fraying into her face that bounced shadows against her tanned skin. Her eyes were dark and cold. The massive scar cutting the symmetry of her face made him realize he might die tonight.

"The Keeper of the People. That is what they call me. At least, the ones that believe I still live and breath. I quite like it. It is the only thing I feel represents what I try to do. Help people. All people." Sophie Foster stopped right in front of the Cardinal. He was a short man, she a tall woman, "You are getting in my way of being a Keeper of the people. "
Sophie gestured for her brother to drop his blade. Alexios tutted, glaring at the Cardinal before striding to the desk and reading the documents his sister was previously skimming over.

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