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Bliss Jackson|Boogie.


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                 "GIRL I'm not pregnant, stop asking me that shit." Kaycee rolled her eyes, brushing her hair in the mirror. "I don't know where Ashae got that from, but he need to stop saying it."

"You lying to me, Theresa? Cause I promise on everything I love-"

"Bitch ain't nobody lying, I ain't damn pregnant." Kaycee told her. "I would've killed myself already."

"But what's wrong with her being pregnant?" Jasmine spoke making Kaycee eye her. "I mean if she is pregnant."

Bliss stared at the Jasmine blankly. "Don't speak to me."

"I'm just saying, Chase got money, the baby would be well taken care of. My bitch would be damn near rich." Jasmine shrugged. "If I was her I'd get pregnant on purpose."

"First of all," Bliss started making Kaycee sigh.

"Oh lord." Kaycee mumbled.

"Chase ain't got that much damn money." Bliss stated, which was true. Jasmine seen him flashing his money and she thought he had it like that. The boy wasn't rich, he was well off, but the money wasn't something he worked for—it was his parents. "Secondly, Kaycee is eighteen, she don't need no baby she still a baby herself. Just because you willing to lay down with any Tom, Dick, and Harry don't mean she should or will."

"Who willing to lay down with everybody? That's your problem you think you better than everybody-"

"I don't think I'm better than everybody—I think I'm better than you." Bliss said and she didn't mean it, but Jasmine was annoying the hell out of her.

"Just because don't nobody wanna fuck you don't mean judge everybody else who niggas actually want." Jasmine spoke, she sat up on Kaycee's bed, knowing she was stepping in deep shit.

"Y'all stop it." Kaycee said, she looked at Bliss' face and knew she was about to snap. "Boogie, no."

"Girl I will beat the fuck out of you, I promise you should watch what the fuck you say to me." Bliss spoke balling her fists up. Jasmine was the only person she'd ever met who made her this mad.

"You not gon beat shit, sit back."

"Y'all stop!" Kaycee in between the two of them. "Y'all arguing over something stupid, I'm not pregnant why we even still discussing this?"

They sat in silence as Bliss took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. As Bliss sat in the chair at Kaycee's desk she stared at her friend, she was so different from before. It was so apparent that she'd changed from the way she dressed to her actions. As she watched her continue brushing her hair she tilted her head as a thought popped in her head.

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