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Bliss Jackson|Boogie.

                IT was now November in Houston and the weather reflected that

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                IT was now November in Houston and the weather reflected that. The leaves were beginning to fall from the trees and change colors, Houston was beginning to cool off tremendously, and most of all—Bliss' emotions were changing just like the seasons.

Seasonal depression had, of course, made an appearance like clock work. Bliss had absolutely no energy to do anything let alone work two jobs and be a  full time student, but she made a way—attitude and all.

"Bliss you'll be receiving a call from Henderson and Owens Law Firm, they're calling regarding renting out a space on the tenth floor." Lauren spoke approaching Bliss' desk. "Genesis would like to talk to the owners, if you could just transfer the call over to my extension please."

"Yes, sure." Bliss replied. "Anything else?"

"No..thank you." Lauren smiled politely walking away, she turned and came back. "Are you okay?"

"Yep, peachy." Bliss gave a tight lipped smile.

"Okay..just making sure." Lauren stated before turning and leaving. Bliss' smile immediately dropped and she rolled her eyes staring back at the desktop screen in front of her.

"GC Enterprises, this is Bliss speaking what can I do for you?" Bliss spoke nicely into the phone.

"Yeah, um I need to speak to Genesis." A feminine voice said.

"May I asked who's speaking?" Bliss asked curiously.

"His girlfriend—Dana." She responded making Bliss' mouth drop.

"His what?" Bliss spoke louder, sitting up in her seat.

"His girlfriend." Dana spoke into the phone with an attitude.

Bliss sat mouth still open and saying nothing. She couldn't believe what she was hearing—girlfriend? Genesis had a girlfriend? After he'd had sex with her just a week ago?

"Hello?!" Bliss snapped out of her thoughts.

"Yes please hold." Bliss clicked the hold button and stood up from the desk, she walked into the secluded area where Genesis' office was located.

There were big double glass doors with gold handles, once you walked inside there was a black desk where Lauren sat throughout the day and worked. Black marbled floors and black cushioned chairs, there was a glass table with magazines on it.

"L-Lauren." Bliss called out.

"Yes?" Lauren looked up from a pad sat on the desk.

"There's a woman on the phone—she said her name was Dana and that she's Genesis' girlfriend." Bliss explained.

"Oh...take a message." Lauren spoke simply.

"Take a message?" Bliss asked slowly.

"Yes, just take a message." Lauren repeated.

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