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Bliss Jackson|Boogie.

              "THE Black race is influential

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"THE Black race is influential. It's a blessing. But is it detrimental? Can it cause harm?" Professor Nyema Gales spoke. "You choose a topic—a situation that directly negatively impacts Black people and tell us all about it. The project is two parts. I want a six page essay explaining this topic, I also want a visual aid. This aid could be a powerpoint, a skit, a video—as long as it gets the point across and supports your thesis."

Bliss' mind began to run as she thought of a topic for her project. She wanted to pick something she was educated in, so that she share as much information as she could.

"By next class I expect a full outline." Professor Gales stated. "By the class after that I expect a rough draft. The rubric will be posted to Canvas. Class is dismissed if there are no further questions."

Bliss grabbed her things up, putting her tablet into her tote and putting it over her shoulder. She'd decided she was gonna go to the library for a bit and catch up on some work. Her junior year was definitely wearing her out, but she was gonna work her hardest and figure it out.

"Hey Bliss." Bliss looked over her shoulder at Faina, a girl from her Critical Race Theory class.

"Hey Faina." Bliss offered a smile as she continued walking.

"How do you feel about this too paper and shit—her ass always doing something." Faina rolled her eyes.

"Yeah the workload is definitely super heavy." Bliss shook her head. "What are you thinking about doing yours on?"

"I don't even know really, maybe the war on drugs? Probably the war on drugs." Faina nodded. "You?"

"That's a really good one. I think mass incarceration." Bliss shared. "When I think systems of oppression, I think mass incarceration. In fact, the war on drugs and mass incarceration go hand in hand, so I might have to steal a little of your research."

"You welcome to." Faina smiled. She liked Bliss, she thought she was pretty. "Where you going?"

"The library." Bliss thought. "You wanna join?"

Faina nodded. "So... Bliss you gotta boyfriend?"

"You can call me Boogie and no." Bliss responded.

"For real?" Faina asked surprised. "You ain't talking to nobody—nothing?"

Bliss shook her head, thinking about Genesis and him offering her a driver. She smirked. "No."

"You like girls?" Faina asked bluntly making Bliss look over at her. "Not on no weird shit or nothing, but I think you fine."

"Thank you and no I don't like girls." Bliss told her making her smack her teeth.

"You really don't like girls or you just saying you don't like girls?" Faina questioned. "It's a difference."

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