Chapter 23: "Apprehension"

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You bit your tongue as you walked across the camp, Felix's footsteps mere feet away from your own. This stressful moment brought you intense anxiety and you could feel your hands start to shake.

Is this really the end of everything, or can you lie your way out of it?

Or perhaps, can you make a run for it?

The endless possibilities of ways to get out of this sticky situation swim around in your head and only fasten your already quickened heartbeat. It feels like you're running for your life—and yet, you could hardly be walking any slower as Felix keeps his firm gaze on you.

"Keep walkin' lass." He commented and you bit your lip and nodded.

"Yes sir."

The time passed by at a snail's pace and your heightened worry only got worse as the clock ticked by.

Eventually, you could not take the pressure any longer. It had at least been fifteen minutes, if not more and you were beginning to genuinely fear for your life.

You whipped around to face him, crossing your arms and looking away to avoid his stoic expression.

"Where the hell are we going?!" You asked suddenly and he shuffled on his feet.

"Why are you so concerned about it, lass? Yer shakin' in yer boots." He replied and you frowned.

"Sir Bordeaux, you're avoiding the question." You replied, then gathered enough courage to look him in the eye.

He hesitated, then leaned against a tree, pressing his right boot against it.

"Just far enough that no one can hear us discuss some matters. And I've got an inkling that you know exactly what I'm referrin' to, Lady (L/N.)" He responded, crossing his arms against his broad chest.

You bit your lip, then turned and continued walking. "You can talk, but that doesn't mean that I have to respond, Felix." You glanced back and he seemed surprised at your cold and serious nature, but what was he expecting?

He stood back up straight, then followed suit and quickly caught up, grabbing your shoulder, causing you to come to a stop.

"Listen. lass. I'm not gonna hurt ya's You've got to trust me, relax a little. We're almost there." He moved his hand, then walked by your side.

You swallowed hard, then nodded as you walked side-by-side with him. And just like he'd promised, within 5 minutes or so, you made it to an area in the woods with two fallen trees parallel to one another.

"Here we are, lassie. " He bowed, then beckoned for you to walk first.

"Ladies first." He gave you a gentle smile and whereas his calm reassurance has given you more of a spring in your step, you can still feel the weight of your 'situation' lying on your shoulders.

Despite this, though, you walked forward and sat down on one of the logs, facing the other trunk.

Once he had seated himself, he folded his hands and looked at you with a serious glint in his eyes.

"Alright, Lady (L/N). What's gotten into ya as of late? Yer obviously not tellin' the truth about everythin', and you're acting aloof." He asked, paying close attention to your entire surroundings to make sure nobody walks by and overhears this conversation.

You hesitated, keeping your mouth shut as you weighed your options. Though, there doesn't seem to be much to do in this situation and you bite your lip as you look away.

"I've just been—" You paused, trying to make something up.

"changed from the expedition." You spoke suddenly and he laughed, causing you to look in his direction.

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