Chapter 5: "The Enemy"

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The training lesson ended later than you had originally anticipated, well, that was because Felix didn't want you around Prince Smith. You didn't mind that of course, you wanted to stay as far as possible from him as you could.

But now the time was up and you had to get back to camp, it was probably getting too late for the reading lesson with Commander Baskey. So, you expected him to be fast asleep. You doubt he'd wait for you so late anyway.

So, you and Felix made the trek back to camp, and when you got there, the prince was gone. That filled you with relief, but the day was late and just as you expected, Commander Baskey was in fact sleeping. And so was almost everyone else, save a few guards.

You and Felix looked at each other, "Well, I'd better be off, ya know. It's gettin' pretty late." He commented and you nodded. "Of course, Sir. Sleep well!" You told him and he smiled. "Goodnight, Lady (L\N)." He replied and you curtsied politely.

He waved as one last goodbye and you sighed, rubbing the back of your neck before yawning sleepily. The training had left you absolutely exhausted, so you planned on going to sleep and doing whatever tasks you were needed to do tomorrow.

But, as soon as you turned to head to your tent, you saw Erik Acton looking at you with a blank expression on his face. It didn't take him long to explain why he was there, in fact, it only took him mere seconds. "(Y\N) (L\N), you have to head to Ebott now." He spoke flatly which caused you to blink in surprise. "Now? Why?" You asked him in confusion.

He paused, diverting his gaze for a moment or two before looking back at your (e\c) gaze. "Prince Smith says that the king assigned you to spy there weeks ago. Apparently there is a huge number of the 'creatures' there." Erik explained in his Northern English accent.

You nodded, "Whose horse am I going to take?" You asked him and Erik pointed to a brown horse tied to a tree near the entrance. "You're going to take Beckett's horse. It has been prepared for you." Erik explained and you nodded. "Alright, I'll go in a moment. Thank you." You thanked him with a curtsy as you walked to your tent to gather some supplies.

You gathered your weapons, cleaned up your battle garb and collected water and other supplies that you'd need before walking to the horse you were assigned to. You took a deep breath, running your hands through your messy (h\c) hair to straighten it a bit. You weren't prepared for this journey. In fact, you were terrified. Any cockiness you had before you had been caught yesterday was seemingly gone. You had zero faith in your abilities and you were almost positive you'd fail this mission.

But, now wasn't the time to let your self doubts get in the way of your work, you needed to get going. So, you quickly untied the horse, made sure you had all your things in the saddlebags and climbed on. After that, Beckett's horse began to run through the cold and dreary night.

The ride took anywhere from three to five hours and you were exhausted by the time you finally made it to Ebott. You weren't expected back at least until late tomorrow, so you decided to sleep. You got off the horse and walked until you found a wooded area that seemed pretty empty. You walked in deeper so you couldn't be seen from the trail and you tied the horse to a tree before lying on the cold, hard ground. You curled up into a ball and closed your eyes, slowly falling into a very light slumber.

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