Chapter 14: "Distant Memories"

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[Gaster's POV]

I watched with humor as (Y\N) progressively got more and more intoxicated. She doesn't even seem to realize that she's drunk as she rambles on and on.

"Youu findd me f-funny h-huh?!" She spoke angrily as she approached me. I lifted an eyebrow and calmly replied "Do you want the truth, or a lie?" as I leaned my head against my hand. "T-the truuth, dunnce!" She responded, slurring her words which made her overly dramatic tone even more humorous.

"You are absolutely hysterical right now, I suppose you did not need that last glass of wine. Mmm?" I tease, grinning and she growls loudly, looking away. "S-shut upp! I amm nott druunk!" She shouts, crossing her arms. "Yes, you very much are, (Y\N). You should go lay down." I reply, standing up as I begin to make a plan to convince her to sleep. "N-no! I will do nno suuch thing!" She hisses in response, turning her head back and pushing me back into my chair.

As my eyes widen, she forces herself onto my lap, a devilish grin upon her face as she giggles. She pins my arms beside my head and leans close to my skull, a mischievous gleam in her (e\c) eyes. "Haard t-to gett me t-to lay down whhen I h-have you trappped, mmm?" She laughed to herself, but I just roll my pinpricks. She's forgotten I can teleport, obviously. "Oh, yes. You have me completely 'trapped'." I reply sarcastically.

She groaned loudly, then scoffed moodily. "S-sshut itt, bonee-boyy! I willl not takee your helll anny more!!!" She hissed, then grabbed the collar of my collarbone, yanking me closer. This caused a slight blush to come upon my cheekbones. "T-to h-hell with what I saidd earlier! I am doin' it!!!" She sputtered, then let go of my collar and began to shakily unbutton my shirt. I suddenly grabbed her arm and looked into her eyes. She of course didn't like this and learned forward, biting onto my collarbone hard. The pain muddled with pleasure caused me to hiss as the wound tingled. And, in the moment, I lost my grip on her and she went back to business.

She got my shirt open half-way and ran her hands against my ribcage softly, this caused more tingling sensations to form and I clench my teeth together tightly to ignore them.

"Dammit, (Y\N)! Not now, you are drunk and need to stop!" I speak in a kind, yet urgent tone, praying that she'll snap out of it.

But, she doesn't. As I gently try and move her off of me, she's not as considerate. In retaliation she knees me in the ribs, causing me to groan in pain as she grabs onto my soul.

And as the contact with my soul is made, my eyes go wide and her betrayal weighs down on my shoulders. I can't help but be shaken by her actions, and quite frankly, hurt as well. And as my vision fades to white, I prepare myself for what I'm about to see.

As soon as I could see the bright colors of the world again, I looked around curiously. It seems I've ended up in a military camp bustling with men. I walk close to a group of soldiers sitting by a lit fire. They're all talking amongst themselves while roasting what seems to be a rabbit.

This doesn't seem to be what I was brought here to see though, so I look around until I spot her. (Y\N) is walking out from the woods in a pair of men's clothes and rider's boots.

Immediately, this catches the men's attention and two of them stand up with obnoxious grins on their faces. "Ello there lassie, how'd the 'patrol' go?" One of the men snickered. He's around 5'8", has red hair, brown eyes and a freckled face.

(Y\N) ignored him and just continued to walk, but this made the men angry. Suddenly, a taller one around 6'0" lunged forward and grabbed her arm with a yank. "Hey, sweetheart. Do you not hear us men talking to you?" He asked. His appearance differed from the shorter man. He has long wavy brown hair, blue eyes, a pale complexion, and a stubbly beard.

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