Chapter 9

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Booboo finally got calmed down, and just in time. Someone announced that they just began boarding our flight. God, I think we're all glad to get out of America for awhile.

I didn't remember much of the plane ride, I fell asleep nearly as soon as we took off. Jonathan said there isn't much to see anyways when you're flying. Anyways, Jonathan drove us back to the small apartment he's been staying in all this time. He gave us a small tour, and told me that since there were only two bedrooms, he and Booboo would share one. I'm honestly 99.9% positive now that they are secretly a couple. That would be so cool.

"Faith, get unpacked, we're going shopping in an hour or two." Jonathan said, once again snapping me out of my thoughts. God, I'd like a moment of peace for a second. Is that too much to ask for?

"OK. Can we go now instead?" I asked batting my lashes and giving my best puppy face.

"Can we?" Booboo asked with me. I think we finally broke Jonathan because he just mumbled a "Fine" and went out to the car.

Jonathan didn't speak to either of us on the way to the mall. It was awkward, I'm pretty sure Jonathan was even silently crying. I don't know if it's because of our parents death and all the stress from this months chaos, or if it's for an entirely different reason, I hope he's OK in the end.

"What's wrong Jonathan? This isn't like you." Booboo said to Jonathan barely loud enough for me to hear it. I didn't hear Jonathan's reply but I did see Booboo nod his head like he understood what was going on.

"Faith, Booboo and I are going to look for some clothes, I don't know what you want to do, but just please don't get lost. I don't want to lose another family member. You're honestly the only family I have left." Jonathan started crying as he finished speaking. Booboo put an arm around his shoulder and tried to comfort him. When that didn't work he led Jonathan out of the store and left me standing wondering what to do.

So the bad news is I totally lost Jonathan and Booboo and neither of them are answering their phones. I also don't know my way around this mall, that's even worse, and I don't have a car to drive home and even if I did I don't know how to get back to the new house. This is bad.

Two to three hours later Jonathan finally came and picked me up. He certainly took his time getting here, I did get to shop a little bit and pick out a few new cute outfits, I also got some sheets for my bed. "What took so long?" I angrily exclaimed, "I've been here for like ever! Seriously, what the fuck?!"

"OK, I probably shouldn't have left you here, but I can't leave a suicidal guy alone! He would've killed himself! You wouldn't." He tried to explain. But no. Just. I don't believe him. Jonathan lies a lot, and I do mean a lot. It's not cool and it never has been. If mom and dad were still here he would've gotten his butt beaten till it was raw. I'm not kidding, mom and dad have tried to do just about everything they could to get him to stop lying, it didn't work obviously.

"Whatever, I don't care anymore, can we just go home?" I pleaded with my best puppy dog face. He looked and flipped me off as we walked toward the exit, I rolled my eyes at him and for once since mom and dad died, things seemed somewhat OK.

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