Chapter 4

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        We spent most of our morning watching movies with Molly. Jacob had ran out real quick to get breakfast for us. When he did I got a text from none other than Taylor. 

"Hey 'sup? Are you busy? Katy said you weren't at your house and I wanted to hang out. Please!!!!"

I didn't bother texting back because if I did I know it would only lead to more conversation and that's the last thing I want right now. "Can we watch twilight?" Molly asked me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Sure. I guess we can." I replied as Jacob walked back in the house with our breakfast in his hands. 

"What are we watching?" He asked.

"TWILIGHT!" Molly yelled as she ran up and got her breakfast from Jacob. 

"Your food." Jacob said and handed me what I usually had for breakfast.

        "Bye!" I shouted as I got out of the car and walked up to my front door. 

I walked in and saw Taylor sitting on the sofa with my parents. "Why didn't you get here sooner?! I called you at least ten times and you didn't answer!" My mom screeched in my ear.

"Calm down! We have a visitor! That reminds me Faith, do you want  to tell me why I found him on our porch this morning?!" Dad asked in a calm, but still frustrated tone. 

"I wasn't here. Don't ask me. Ask him." I said while raising my hands in defense. 

"I'm sorry if I got her in trouble. I just came by to see if she was home. I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I'll just be going now if that's Ok with you guys." Taylor said as he got off the couch and slowly backed away towards the door.

        "How did your parents not recognize him? That's just freaking insane! Did your mom act like she knew it was him?" Katy asked the next day in school.

"Mom didn't act like it, she seemed a little suspicious, but she didn't say anything about it, even after he left, so maybe she didn't." I replied thinking it over a little bit. 

"That doesn't make any sense. Taylor is one of the most known celebs, at least in this town. I think she just didn't want to make a big deal about it, no one would believe that she met Taylor Lautner anyways." Katy suggested as the teacher came in and told us to be quiet.

        "I'm picking you up from school today. I'll make sure to have tinted windows, make sure Katy comes with you, she's cool." Taylor texted me at lunch. I looked up as someone cleared their throat. 

"Who're you texting?" Jacob asked as he took a seat in front of me. 

I thought about telling him, but he would think I'm insane if I told him it's Taylor. "My mom. She just needed to tell me that she's going to be late getting home tonight." I lie. 

"Do you want to come to my house then? My parents have some business dinner and Molly's staying with our grandparents cause apparently they don't trust me enough to watch her." He replied not seeing through my shitty lie. 

"I can't. I've already made plans for after school. If you'll excuse me, I need to find Katy and make sure she's still up for today." I said as I got up and left the noisy lunch room. I swear, some people are literally yelling just to piss everyone off, and it's working.

        "So, you said he'd be here by when? It's nearly three-thirty, and he hasn't texted or called that he would be late." Katy pointed out as we waited in the parking lot for Taylor's car. 

"He said he'd be here by three forty-five at the latest. It's only three-fifteen anyways." I snapped back. 

"Someone's grumpy. Would that be because I'm here later than I said?" Someone asked from behind. I shrieked because I didn't realize it was Taylor at first. I seemed to have drawn attention to us because someone had seen Taylor and shouted his name. "SHIT! Get in the car now. We have to go!" Taylor shouted, rushing us over to the car so we could go before anyone else saw us. 

        "We are going to chill at my manager's place for awhile. He won't mind, he's on vacation, and it's only half an hour away. We can go bowling, swimming, watch movies, eat a bunch of unhealthy junk food, whatever you want." Taylor said as he started the drive to his manager's mansion. 

It only took us twenty minutes to get there, but it was an awkward twenty minutes. Katy had managed to embarrass the shit out of both of us. "Is that your mom's car?" Katy asked as we pulled into the drive way. I shook my head at first and replied with a simple no, but when I took a closer look I saw her licence plate. "It is! What's she doing here?" 

We all got out of the car and ran inside the mansion. I had no idea as to why my mom would be here. She cleans houses as a side-job. She's probably just here to clean up. 

"Let's go find your mom." Katy said as we set off to find her.

Taylor Lautner Took My Virginity #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now