Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

When I woke up, I was in a bed. I don't know where I am, and I don't know where Tsubaki is. When I had sat up, my body screamed out in pain. I looked down and found bandages all over my chest area. They were speckled in blood, my blood. When I got up, I wobbled a bit. Steading myself with the ladder, I looked around. The room was white and there was a kitchen, bathroom, living room, and a bunk bed. The room was very big, but I then noticed that there was someone in the room.

"You awake?" The person asked me. They didn't bother to turn around and look at me.

"Yeah," I said, but then wince. I accidentally moved my body too fast. Soon enough, there was someone behind me who picked me up and carried me over to the couch. They carefully set me down and then started to look at my bandages.

"What's your name?" I asked. They didn't seem to notice I said something to them. Based on the way they looked, it seemed to be a male. His voice also sounded like a male.

"Arisuin Mikuni," He said out of nowhere. I suddenly yelped out in pain as he put too much pressure on my wounds.

"Ah, sorry!" Mikuni said to me with a look of concern. He then lessened the pressure and reapplied the bandages. I looked at his neck because I saw something move and realized it was a snake. It had a weird symbol on its head. I haven't seen a snake with that kind of symbol, but I haven't really seen many snakes. When Mikuni was done, he went over to where the sink was and washed off all my blood that got onto his hands.

"Hey, Tsurugi! She's up and rebandaged. You can come in," Mikuni said to someone. Soon enough, the door opened and a figure came in. Mikuni said Tsurugi, so I guess that is who. Tsurugi came over to where I was, and seemed to check me out. He seemed satisfied with my bandages.

"How are you feeling? Sore?" Tsurugi asked. At least... I think that is Tsurugi... I mean, he is the only one who came in through the door and Mikuni didn't mention anyone else.

"Sore, definitely. A little dehydrated, too," I said with a slight cough from my dry throat. Cold, but that wasn't important at the time. Tsurugi nodded and looked over at Mikuni. I shivered a little from how cold I was, but I wasn't going to say anything to them. I laid my head down on the couch and chilled out. Soon enough, Mikuni came over with a glass of water. He handed the water to me, and I took it gratefully. I slowly drank it, savoring the water. It was very nice to have water. Sadly, the water was cold so I shivered. When I finished, I handed my glass to Mikuni who took it. Tsurugi gave me a jacket most likely because he saw me shiver. I put the jacket on and felt a bit warmer.

"Better? You need anything else?" Tsurugi asked me. I nodded yes to his first question and no to his second one. I then remembered seeing a snake on Mikuni and wondered what its name was.

"Mikuni, um... what's your snake's name?" I asked. It was a very noticeable creature, and I wanted to get to know it. He laughed and smiled.

"His name is Jeje, and the doll's name is Abel. Don't lust over Abel!" He said at a louder volume. Um... you ok? I didn't know what to say at the last comment he made. Confusion towered over me like a stack of boxes.

"Um... you don't need to worry about that?" I said a little confused. He seemed a little weird about that doll, but whatever. Not like I want to lust over a doll...

"Well, could I pet Jeje?" I asked with a excited tone. The confusion dripped down the sink and left me alone. Mikuni brought the snake over to me, and Jeje got onto my hand. I gave his head some pats, and scratched him as if he were a cat. Jeje seemed to enjoy the attention. I then handed him back to Mikuni, and Jeje went back to being wrapped around his neck. Mikuni headed out of the room, so I was left with Tsurugi.

"So, how do you know the creator of the SerVamps?" Tsurugi asked me. He got serious very quickly.

"Do you mean Sensei? He is my creator as I am the youngest SerVamp. He is like a father for Tsubaki and I. Yeah, he should have been dead years ago, but he isn't. Why do you ask?" Was all I said.

"You're right, he should be dead. He also shouldn't have made you or Tsubaki. I only found notes about you. From what they said, you can bring Tsubaki back if he dies and that you should be able to do that for all SerVamps. You are currently 152 years old, female, short, and can become a dog or a wolf when in the sunlight. You know not of your other siblings and you can shapeshift if you want to," He said. I was speechless and stunned. He found out about me so fast and remembered it all. He also said other siblings.

"Um... interesting that you got that from the notes Sensei took about me. Did you find anything about Tsubaki?" I asked. 

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