HELLO, HOW LOW- star wars

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name| remus parker field

age| 19

date of birth| xx-05-14

date of death| n/a

ethnicity| white

sexual orientation| bisexual

pronouns/gender| ftm- he/him

species| human


(face claim; josh hutcherson)

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(face claim; josh hutcherson)

appearance details (scars and or/birthmarks)| from a lot of messy bounty missions he got himself into, he's required a few scars scattered around his arms and wrists, a specific one just barely slitting his earlobe, and a nick by his lip.

clothing style|  being a scavenger rat from tatooine to a not very well-known bounty hunter will not give you the broadest choices on fashion, to say the very lease. he relies solely on what he can find and what will keep him alive. sometimes he comes across good armor to keep himself safe against blasts, and sometimes he comes across good, tattered robes that will keep him warm against the occasional breezy nights. whatever keeps him alive, he's more than happy to keep with him.

height| 5'10

personality| sly as a fox, sneaky as a spider- the young man will do quite literally anything to get what he wants. it was never out of place of spite or selfishness, but a survival instinct he learned at way too young. he was always rather opportunistic and charismatic as a child, but it seemed to be all he was known for as he grew older. he had a tongue of silver and lips of honey, sugarcoating words into ones of saccharine to lure his bounties into his gloved fingertips. in moments of genuine, the boy is far from flirtatious and sly- if anything he's a bit corny and almost a bit childish.

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