iii. my best friend is a horror fanatic , god i love her

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    " ok ok ok let's settle this for good . now sienna which one  nightmare on elm street OR halloween this is a life or death situation choose wisely "

amber said pulling the " y " at the end out in a dramatic way

" this is way to hard hm "

i said with my pointer finger on my chin in a thinking position tapping my pump heel on the ground . the door to the blockbuster bell chimed and caught our attention

" wait pause on the movies the guy from my math class just walked in ! "

she said in a excited yell whisper

" how do i look ? "

she put the tapes down fixing her hair and baggy sweater and tank along with her mini skirt

" you look amazing as always "

i said tilting my head lovingly towards her . she kept watching him walk around looking in the slasher section as us i just knew her heart was doing flips but , i can understand why she's so hot for him he is pretty cute but eh not my type he's the type to smack a girls ass and run that thought made me shake my head chuckling silently

" earth is amber hello ? "

she turned back at me wides eyed

" oh yea which one remember life or death ! "

" fuck it halloween , you can never go wrong with halloween "

amber clapped dramatically wiping fake tears

" god i've taught you so well look at you all grown up "

" yea yea whatever . "

" that's a good choice "

the boy from ambers class praised us for the movie choice amber could have gone into a heart attack right now but she composed herself

" right i'm glad she chose a good one for tonight "

" yea i'm picking a movie for me and my pal billy every friday night we watch only horror movies "

i swear he read our minds

" oh my god we do that too it's the same ritual "

" what no way ! hey maybe we can all have a horror night all together ? how does that sound ? "

amber looked at me for a sign or approval and i nodded she jumped all excited

" yep we're down ! "

" sweet ! next friday , 261 Turner Lane right after school next friday i can drive all of us oh and you guys will meet billy and sydney . "

" who's sydney ? "

" oh she's billy girlfriend we've been trying to get her to like horror movies for MONTHS she gets sick so easily but after her uh mom ..... she just comes just to fall asleep while it plays "

" ah i see shes a squamish one huh ? "

i asked tilting my head with my arms crossed

" yea which sucks she kinda ruins the night but yea hope to see you lovely ladies there "

he said after doing a courtesy bow

" what a gentleman "

amber said as he winked at her after walking away to check out then leaving

" dude i'm so fucking hot and bothered fucking hell man "

" he really got your panties all soaked huh ? "

i said as we both laughed smacking my hand in the shelf

" ok ok let's go check out and set up for tonight "

" i'm so glad we went shopping this weekend i need more heels "

" sienna you don't need anymore heels you have a whole closet dedicated to JUST heels "

" heels are a girls best friend , and i live by that quote literally "

i said giggling amber playfully rolled her eyes pulling my arm into hers as we walked into school . we hung out in the halls before first period start i have english and she has science

" what was that dude's name from yesterday ? "

i asked with a head tilt at her

" oh i forgot to say his name is stuart but everyone calls him stu "

i let out a oh and nodded as we walked and right on cue the bell rings and i frown

" ah man i wish we had the same classes " amber said with a pout holding my hands swaying them back and forth

" awe baby it's ok we meet up in third and then the rest of the day remember ? "

i said and she nodded excitedly , we parted way and waved out laters . i walked into english it was boring as usual so we'll skip the boring shit and get to the good shit.

 i walked into english it was boring as usual so we'll skip the boring shit and get to the good shit

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