vi. my world revolves around you my love

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" dude this concert is gonna be sensational ! it's gonna make us puke our guts out ! "

stu was oozing with excitement , billy was throwing on a slipknot shirt and semi black baggy ripped jeans with his hair messy

" how do i look ? "

" if slipknot was a person you'd be it "

" thanks man let's get going "

they headed downstairs billy's dad walked pass and billy ignored him

" by mr loomis !"

stu said as billy yanked his arm out the door

" dude i'm so excited that if i had a dick i'd jizz all over "

i laughed as i latched into her arm as we stumbled into a crowd of other people here to see slipknot , all me and amber wanted a nice time and try to get in with ease but you know at a metal concert there's bound to be drunk perverted dipshits

" look what arrived not one but two fine girls "

said some drunk making his way towards us

" oh please baby let me get a feel "

" back the fuck up asshole "

he grabbed my arm and like on instinct amber tried yanking me back but he was stronger


me and stu walked up stu as always cracking jokes

" alright man lets fuck shit up ! "

as we got out loud sounds of swears caught our attention then i saw a guy grabbing a girl and pushing the other girl

" hey we should go help "

i nodded we headed over and as we got closer i saw that the girl getting grabbed and the girl on the floor is sienna and amber , as if stu could read my mind he ran over to amber and i did sienna pushing the clearly drunk guy

" don't fucking touch a girl man "

" who the fuck are you ? "

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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