iv. why am i feeling this way ?

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as i sat my seat in math the teacher announces a student got a small schedule change to be in this class and blah blah blah i just wanted to see who it was  ok then after all the regular students made it in the bell rang and 2 minutes into note taking there's a knock on the door getting all our attention and it was the new student. the teach opened the door and in came a boy i felt my heart stop like i stopped breathing my eyes trailed him as he walked to the front of the class ready to make a introduction i felt myself take in air again

" sorry i'm late i couldn't find this class but uh i'm billy loomis and i switched classes because mrs. king couldn't stand looking at me so "

the made the class erupt into laughter which made him laugh

" there's a seat next to sienna or you can take the one by the window "

" ohh tough choice "

he said making me melt into my pumps . he made his way towards me and sat in the seat next to me now at this point i can't contain myself i start drawing in my notebook to take my mind off of him class continued i looked at him and he stared back now i'm thinking oh fuck oh fuck i raised my hand to go ti the bathroom

" uh yes miss Rodriguez ? " 

" uh may i go to the bathroom ? "

he nodded his head in a sigh before saying how i really need these notes , as i got up i took my small black journal with me and felt billy's eyes burning into my back as i sped walked to the bathroom , for a good 10 minutes i was in the bathroom just writing and drawing to distract myself but it wasn't working

amber said she talked to stu and he invited us to sit with him and his friends so i met up with her at my locker

" heyyy sienna "

amber said slamming my locker shut making me jump and laugh

" someone is jumpy , tell me did you hear about casey becker and her jock boyfriend ? "

" what happened ? "

" come follow me "

" where are we going ? "

amber dragged me through halls making almost trip almost over my pumps

" bitch please slow down imma fall on my face ! "

" slowww poke "

we made it outside on campus

" my god why is there so many news vans and cop cars ? "

" it's because of casey and steve murder ! dingbat "

she said as she slapped my shoulder

" do they know who killed them and why ? "

" nah not yet sadly , they were nice people " she said with a pout

" nice really ? you don't know the real casey then "

" oh yea , what where you besties ? "

i went silent with a straight face

" oh you're not kidding so i'm not you're first and only best friend ?

" awe bebe our friendship is more then me and casey ever had she was a two face slut but it is sad she's gone in a way like bitch you're my soulmate "

" aww i love you bebe "

she said as we faked kissed and started laughing suddenly amber bumped into me and then appeared stu laughing and pointing at us

" ha ha ha very funny stu almost made me and sienna fall "

" yea that would have been hot seeing two girl on top of each other ... damn that would be so- "

stu was cut off by tatum elbowing stu in the stomach

" buzz off dickwad , i'm sorry stu doesn't know when to shut the fuck up . hey sienna ! and amber "

she said hugging me and waving to amber , amber folds her arms and tilted her head in a bored way

" hey tatum where's syd ? "

" she's with her lil boyfriend billy"

" ohh so he's that billy "

i said connecting the dots

" oh yea you still haven't met billy "

" yea because y'all just became friends "

amber said annoyed by tatums presence

" ignore her but i think i met him today in english he switched classes "

tatum nodded before stu picked her up and spinning her , amber stood there even more annoyed

" let's go to the fountain "

stu said walking carrying tatum over his shoulder as we followed amber arm and arm with me . as we made our way to the foundation syd was sitting with billy already and as soon as i look at the fountain i made contact with billy and we held a stare my heart rate started to speed up , i melted into his eyes my god i've never laid eyes on such a boy it's just like earlier i wanted to fall to the floor but i kept walking amber elbowed my shoulder signaling me back to reality

" hey sienna ? "

" oh hey syd ! "

i said sitting down next to tatum and amber , everytime i glanced at billy he was eyeing me up and down god that made me wild i barely remember the conversation at hand all i remember was stu making a bad joke and syd walking away as billy followed her so we just went back to class as the bell rang

i said sitting down next to tatum and amber , everytime i glanced at billy he was eyeing me up and down god that made me wild i barely remember the conversation at hand all i remember was stu making a bad joke and syd walking away as billy followe...

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