v. oh my , the way his eyes find mine

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" jeez what did stu say to make syd so upset ? "

i asked amber hopping she was listening

" he made a bad joke and kinda insensitive , i'm sure she'll be ok tho sienna don't worry too much billy got her "


" yea you're right let's just head to class "

i nodded saying a faint yeah

" dude this project better be good and we fucking better be partners "

" relax amber "

" if you're someone else partner i'm killing them in cold blood "

fuck she said that too loud and everyone is looking at us

" mind your fucking business im joking jeez "

" amber "

i said stern

" yea yea be careful of what i say blah blah blah sorry bebe "

she said hugging my arm

  " ok ok forgive you can't say stuff like that right after kids where killed makes you suspicious "

she nodded

" ok class today for science we're doing a project and it will in groups of 3 or 4 , so go on shoo "

amber yelled DIBS! right when she saw tatum grab my desk and they had a stare down pulling my desk

" what's your damage guys jeez he said 3 or 4 , tatum you can join us "

she said a hm! to amber and she scoffed slumping in her chain next to me and tatum pulled a chair next to on the other side

" can syd join us ? "

" yes of course ! "

i beamed at the mention of sydney i love sydney she's the nicest sweetest person i wanna put her in my purse and carry her around

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