The Day That Turned To Knight

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  • Dedicated to Barney Cohen, James D. Parriott,

The Day That Turned To Knight.

Written by: Neva Depardo

“Can you even love a vampire? Why would you even want to become a vampire? If you are scared, I understand. I better go, so you can think about this. Call me to let me know what you have decided, ok?” Nick tells me with lustful eyes. As Nick turns to go to his car, I stop him with a whispered voice.

 “Nick which one do you want me to answer first? First, I do love you and I don’t care if you are a vampire. Second, Yes I do want to be a vampire, if it means that I can be with you for the rest of eternity. Third, I will never be afraid of you. How can I fear the one thing that brings me happiness? I can’t it is that simple. And fourth, I don’t need to think about anything, let’s go home to start our new life together.” I say as I look into his loving but surprised eyes.

He gently pulls me into his strong arms and says one word as he lifts us up into the pre-dawn sky, “Ok.” As we fly through the night in less than a minute, I look at the beautiful skyline rushing past us. He brings us down in front of the condo, and open the door in less time than it takes to blink. We walk into the living room after he shuts the door, and I motion for him to lock it for our privacy. I then take his hand and start to climb the stairs to the second floor, pausing long enough to let him guild us over to the bed.

I sit on the edge of the king size bed as I look up into his eyes, and pull him down into a soft long kiss. He pulls away just enough so I can take a much needed breath, and whispers into my swollen kissed lips “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” I just nod to him and start to pull him back into the kiss. But this time he gently pushes us down into a laying position, and says “There will be a small pinching and then you will sleep for a while, ok?”

“Alright.” I say, as we start to kiss even more. I turn my neck so he can have easier access to my throbbing vain. He rubs my side, and with a whisper of his breath he kisses my throat at the vain. With the pleasure of expectation I feel his fangs pierce my skin and enter into my vain, the pinch he said would be there was not. There was no pain at all, just the knowledge that after tonight we would be together forever now.

I feel a quiver at my core, as i realize that we are one body and soul.

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