Chapter 3 And the embarrassment goes on.

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Chapter 3

And the embarrassment goes on.

          Tracy asks me how my bath was and I turn red, just thinking of what I was debating in there. But I give her a shy “It was fine.” Tracy looks at me and says “There is a bit more to that answer, isn’t there? But I won’t press you for the details right now.” If my face was red before it was sure to be neon red and as bright as a Los Vegas hotel sign. Tracy just chuckled as I heard a muffled cough from the kitchen. We both look at Nick with accusing stares that said ‘Mister you better just keep your two cines’ out of this girl talk.’ He sobered right up and said “Tracy can you stay with Alexia while I do a quick errand?” Tracy nods and replies “Yes, Nick I can, go ahead get your thing done she will be ok with me.”

          ‘Okay now it just got awkward, now she is going to ask me to explain my answer that I gave her a little bit ago.’ I think to myself. And sure enough within two minutes of him pulling his car out of his indoor garage, she asks. “Okay tell me everything.”I ho, ha and hum around for another minutes or two before I blurt out “I was just debating on whether or not to stay in the bath forever. And when I saw that it looked like he took a bath also, I just knew that you would think the wrong thing.” Tracy laughs so hard she almost ends up on the floor rolling around like I just told her a joke she just got the punch line to three days later.

           As her laughter dies down I try to ask “What did I say that was so funny?” She just laughs harder again, coughs a few times then while holding her painful sides she replies “N, Not what you said but the mental image I just got from the scene that came back to me. No wonder you had a look of pure shock and awe on your face. He is very handsome.” She sobers up immediately and continues with telling me, “But Alexia he just lost his fiancé about three years ago, to a mass murderer. I don’t want to put you down but she was his life. Every since then he has done every type of shit ass call to keep his mind off of her.” I look shell shocked again, but nod my head to what she just told me.

          We talk a little bit more but then I can’t hide the stifled yawn. And she tells me to go to the room Nick said I could use and she would wait for him. I tried to argue but she just shuffled me off to the room. When I lay down I hear the garage door opening and Nick’s car pulling back in. Within seconds I was out cold, I had not even covered up or so I thought, because when I woke up at around 4am I was not only covered up but changed into the night shirt he gave me to ware. ‘Ok now I know that when I laid down I had on jeans and a sweeter with shoes, who changed me and why did I not feel it? Was I just that damn tiered?’ she thought.

           Alexia sits up in the bed and looks at the door to the living room. She tries to get out of bed quietly enough for Nick can sleep longer, but to her dismay on the smallest creaking of the bed Nick is at the door. “Alexia, are you alright? Do you need anything, or are you hungry or thirsty? Is it okay for me to come in there?” he is rambling off at her anything that came to his mind. “Nick it is alright I just woke up is all, thank you for the offer though.” Alexia replies.

          “I am sorry to have woken you up.” Alexia says to him as she opens the door to him in a pair of silk pajama pants. Nick hears her audible, sharp intake of breath and smiles. “No Alexia, I am sorry to have startled you. Tracy changed your clothes while I waited in the living room, if you were wondering who did it for you? Then she went home so she could get some sleep before work tomorrow night. And I called in so if you needed anything I could get it for you.” Nick tells her.

          “Okay, Nick that is getting very creepy. Just how the hell did you know I was thinking that when I woke up? And don’t tell me that it was a logical assumption, because that is just bull shit.” Alexia has put her hands on her hips and stares at him, as she asks him. “Alexia I am not a mind reader, if you’re thinking I am, that is giving me too much credit. Thank you but it was something that Tracy said you may be wondering about when you woke up.” Nick says to her.

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