Chapter 2 How do I live with what has happened?

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Chapter 2

How do I live with what has happened?

          I wake up to my phone ringing. I reach over and grab my annoying phone and look at the time, 9:45 am. ‘Oh shit I am going to be later for class.’ I think to myself, and I answer the damn thing that still has not stopped ringing; “Hello? Who is this?” A voice comes on and scares the crap out of me, “I know you saw me last night, but they will never get me. Just to let you know I killed that man for you, so he wouldn’t hurt you. But if you tell those cops I will come after you, next.” And the man ends the phone call.

          I look at my phone as I shakily set my phone down. This was bad, and I still had to go to school right now. I grabbed my purse and look inside of it, the card for Detective Knight was in my hand as I looked at it I wondered, ‘Should I call and let him know what just happened? Or should I keep this to myself? Or should I stop by and tell him, does the man have me under surveillance or does he have my phone tapped? How will he know that I have talked to Detective Knight?’

          I take a very cold shower and very quickly I dry off. I grab a blue and gold crushed velvet skirt with a blue silk shirt and gold heels and a blue and gold pruda hand bag that can hold my mini laptop and my books in it. I grab my purse and keys as I lock the door on my way out. I head to the bus stop deciding to stop by Detective Knight’s address and leave a note to have him meet me at the café around the corner from the campus. I walk onto the bus and take a seat next to the front door so I can see my next stop. As the bus is moving I jot down the quick note making sure I include the name and address of the café where I want to meet him. I see my stop as I look up and let the driver know, “Here is my stop, thank you.”

          I get up as the bus comes to a stop and walk down the step. I walk to the address on the card and find an old building with one door and a large garage door. I buzz the ringer and wait. I hear a click and the door opens a little, nervously I open the door and step into the dark hall. There is an intercom and I hear Detective Knight’s voice, “Hello, who are you and why are you here?” I hold down the button and say, “Detective Knight, its Alexia Jones. Can we speak; I got a very disturbing call this morning. And I am afraid that by talking to you I maybe signing my own death certificate.”

          Detective Knight answers me, “Ms. Jones, please come up the elevator. I will have my door open.” I walk to the elevator and step inside, hit the up button and wait. The elevator rises up and dings on the next floor, then opens to another small hall with only on door at the end of it. I walk over to the open door and step inside. “Detective Knight, are you in here?” I ask because it is dark except for one lamp by a piano. His voice comes from what I can only think is either a bedroom or a restroom. “Yes please wait on the couch; I will be out in a minute.”

          I step consciously around the dark room and find the couch. I sit down just as the door opens to him in a pair of sweat pants. He looks at my wide eyes and chuckles and I turn even redder than my red hair. ‘The Greek Gods have nothing on him.’ I think to myself. He walk over to a chair that is opposite of the couch and sits down and asks me, “So what was the call about that has sent you to my home when you should be in school, if I am correct?”

          “Well, the man I saw just before I found the body called me. He told me, ‘I know you saw me last night, but they will never get me. Just to let you know I killed that man for you, so he wouldn’t hurt you. But if you tell those cops I will come after you, next.’ What should I do, I don’t know if he has been watching me, I am so scared.” I try not to let the tears escape as I tell him. But one falls anyway, I swipe it away quickly and I think he doesn’t see. But he did see it and reaches over to pat my leg to comfort me. “Ok, one you stay in my extra room and I let my partner know that she needs to get here in two hours at the longest.”

          Detective Knight reaches over and calls Detective Long to tell her. After a few minutes he hangs up and asks me, “Who do you need to let know that you will not be into school for a few days. And what do you need to have so you will be comfortable while you stay here?” I think for a minute and reply, “The school but I can email them. Just a few clothes and toiletries, if someone could go to my home I could tell them just what to get.” He says, “Hand me your keys and tonight I will go, just write down what you want and I will get in and get it for you. And no one will see me, trust me.”

           I nodded and hand him my keys as he hands me some writing paper and a pen. I write down my list of things and give it back to him about ten minutes later. He looks at my haggard appearance and suggests, “Maybe you would like to lay down for a while we wait for my partner Detective Long? The bedroom that you can use is over there next to the piano to the left.” I look but don’t see a door and he gets up to help me up and walks me over to the door that seems like just a wall. He slides it open and I stare wide eyed at the huge room with a king-size bed against a huge picture window with dark blood red curtains.

          I walk over to the bed and sit on the edge and look up at him with a question on my face. He once again chuckles and says, “I have a brother that stays here a few times a year, but he is away for now. And he won’t mind, he will just drive me insane with every question in the book about you.” I look confused but don’t ask him anything. He shuts the door after turning on a lamp on the bedside table, and says, “If you want to take a bath there is a suite over there by the closet. And the towels are in there also.” He adds with a twinkle in his gray-blue eyes. I reply, “Thank you, and I may in a moment.”

          Detective Knight just nods and turns to walk out of the room. As I sat on the bed I look over at the wardrobe, I decide to take a bath to help me sleep for a while. I grab a button up shirt that would fit me like a dress, and a pair of shorts, then I pick up my cell phone and send a quick email to the school saying that I will be gone for about a week. I walk into the suite and as I run a hot bath I find some bath salts and pour three capfuls into the hot running water. I sniff the aroma and smell fresh lavender and almonds.

          I get undressed and slide into the hot sweet smelling bath with a sigh of relief. ‘If this could last forever I would stay right here,’ Alexia starts to think to herself, but then she remembers she is not in her own home. “Dang, I better hurry up in case, he need to use the bathroom for anything.” It has been 30 minutes since she got in and as she is towel drying her hair after getting out and quickly drying off and dressing.

           She hears the ringing of the doorbell, and his answering the intercom. “Tracy, yes it is open, she is done I let her take a hot bath while we waited for you to get over here.” ‘Shit, how did he know I was done? Did I make that much noise getting out? I thought that I was quite; I didn’t let the water splash or anything like that, so how did he know? I may have to ask him, but then it might just kill both of us and lead Tracy to think something else happened that didn’t. I will keep my question to myself, at least for now.’

          Alexia walks out and sees that there was no way Tracy could not get the wrong idea, because he too looked like he crawled out of the bath just a little while ago. ‘OMG, where did he take a bath, does he have another bathroom? He must have another one but where?’ Tracy looks back and forth between the two with a questioning look and Nick clears it up by saying “I used my other bathroom to take a shower.” Tracy and I nod at him.    

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