Everything is over now

65 3 2

Alex's P.O.V

I pushed myself away from him exiting the house. it was now pouring heaven drops ad water from the dark gray clouds. I ran from the house. I wanted to go home, attend school again. I wanted to be normal anymore. I miss my over protective father. I him, I hate Kevin, I hate Seamus. I hate all of them. I ran up the hill and across the road. Except I didn't make it all the way across the road. A navy blue,brand new, Jeep. Hit me straight across the side of my ribcage. This was it. It was all over. And all it took was a single car. With my last breaths, I looked over to Kevin. He was sobbing on the side walk. Knees buried in the deep dark mud. I tried to say something but failed. It was all black, everything I was loosing senses one by one. first it was my sense of sight, then felling, then taste, then smell. And with the few seconds I had with my my sense of hearing. I heard Kevin tell me he loved me. And then I lost it. I wasn't even gonna make it to the hospital. I was losing all my memories. Then my body completely shut down not allowing me to do anythi-

Authors note
This was hard to make but I made it. If you guys want it to continue tell me and I will. If you don't tell me and I will. Put your opinion in the comments. Peace homies I love you.

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