White Beds and Red Tubes

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Alex's P.O.V

I woke up in what was supposably a white bed, It could of been black though. I wasn't seeing many colors, only black and white. I wanted to scream but couldn't move my jaw. I op was slowly regaining my ability to see more than two colors. The first color was red. Red tubes were running through out my pale white arms. Soon I could see all the colors a normal person could see. Now I knew the bed was white. I couldn't remember a lot of things at first. It took about an hour to remember everything. There was no sight of Kevin......as expected. Je never actually cared about me. I saw Zoe though. She was holding my hand sitting in a chair crying. She cared more then my boyfriend. I attempted to speak. It took about three attempts before I actually spoke. My voice was hoarse. And then it hit me. The hospital most definitely saw the cuts on my wrists and thighs. This would send me to support groups I knew it. I tried to speak again. This time my voice was normal. But I had to mumble or the inside of my throat would break out into flames.


"Hey your awake." She sniffled and, brushed my brown hair from my face.

"Can you get me some water please." I spoke a little bit louder. Regretting every sound I made. My throat felt like it was on fire. Burning from the inside out.

"Gladly." She says as she walks over to a sink.

When she arrives with the water, I sit up and, take a long swig. After doing so it is instantly easier to talk in a normal tone.



"It all disappeared for the longest time. I couldn't even feel anything."

"I know. But your back now." She continued to sniffle.

"Yeah, I guess. Where is Kevin."

"H-he. Comm-," Tears ran down her face. "He committed suicide."

"N-no your kidding right!" I began to raise my voice.

"N-no I'm not." She looked at her feet.

I didn't respond. I yanked the red tubes from my arms and got out of the bed. Zoe just looked at me in awe. I ran out the medical room and out the hospital. Zoe caught up with me.

"At least let me give you a ride."

She unlocked her Mercedes and I got in and put on my seat belt. We drove to the grave yard. I waited impatiently. Tapping my fingers against the window. When we arrived. I practically ejected myself from the car, and ran into the gated graveyard. I went to the 'M' section. I browsed until I found his grave.

Kevin McFarlane
2/22/96 - 4/24/15
Cause of death

It was right there laying directly In front of him. He couldn't bare the fact any longer. He kissed the grave stone and ran back to the car. And got into the passengers side. Kevin McFarlane, the only thing Aleks cared about anymore committed suicide. Everything had really just fell over hadn't it.

~Time skip~

When he arrived at Kevin's house he sat on the couch and cried softly into his hands. Soon enough Aleks made a decision. The only decision he could make....

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