Chapter 1

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I'm going to have to put author's notes in the beginning and ending of every chapter I write, do I? 😅
Anyways, enjoy!

William was walking down to his car, thinking about his encounter with Megatron.
I'd never thought I would find a giant robot alien, or a friendly one... honestly, I don't know what to do now...
What he didn't know was that someone was watching him.
That was when everything went black.

Megatron was still at the facility, lying down on the ground. It was hard enough to keep your body upright.
He looked up to the sky, thinking about what happened earlier.
I don't know what's going on, but hopefully things will get better, right?
He didn't notice somebody watching him from afar.
Suddenly he senses someone behind him.
"What!? Who's there?"
No answer.
I swear I heard someone...

"He doesn't know what happened to his human... a perfect situation for experimentation..."

"Agh, my head... what?"
William slowly opened his eyes, and saw large tubes filled with... something. He realized that he was being held up by chains.
"Where am I? What is this place?"
He struggled against the chains, trying to escape.
Suddenly a door opened, revealing a large figure covered by darkness.
"Comfortable?" They sneered. Judging by the voice it was most likely a man.
"Who are you!? What are you doing to me?"
"What I'm doing? Well..." The figure approaches him.
"You mean... we."
"What...? I don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh, don't worry. Soon you will find out." The mysterious figure said, holding the other man's chin.
"Don't touch me!"
The figure let go of him and walked away.
"Wh-where are you going!? Why am I here?"
The figure didn't answer, nor did he even stop once as he walked out of the door.
The room eventually fell dark once more.

"Why is it so dark!? Not again..."
He really couldn't believe it.
This was the second time he got trapped. And he didn't like that.
Why does this keep happening to me...
Usually he wouldn't mind if he was captured. He had previous experience with it and knew what to do. But this was different, too different, in fact.
There was only one light in the room, illuminating the wall in front of him. Everything else was pitch black.
"I have to find a way out. I can't keep getting captured."
Getting out is one thing.
Bursting out of a warehouse and crawling away is on a whole new level.
No. Really. He did that.
Of course he knew it was a stupid idea, but he had no choice. I mean, you would do the same, right?
Even more so, he had to find the human.

"You were successful in capturing the human?" The alien asked, looking down upon the figure.
"Of course I did! Were you expecting that I would fail?"
The figure grinned. Everything was going perfectly according to plan.
"Where is he?"
"Oh, don't worry. He is in the laboratory where he will be experimented on."
"Very well then. Make sure he does not escape, understand?"
"I understand, master."
"Good, now get on with the experiments. And remember, keep him alive."

He quickly made his way to the gate, trudging along the metal floor.
"William?" He called out, hoping to get an answer.
Nothing. No answer.
He was getting worried now.
No, I can't give up now. He is my only help right now.
Suddenly he heard a scream. Immediately, he attempted to walk towards it's source.

"What... what are you doing to me...? What is this...?"
"Oh, this?" The figure stroked the machine beside him. "It's for experimentation, of course. And you..."
He grabbed the handle and spun the machine towards the human.
"Will be the first test subject."
The first test subject!? What did I do to deserve this!?
He immediately remembered Megatron, and realized something.
"You saw us... didn't you?"
The figure looked at him looking surprised, as if he understood what he had just said. Did he know about them? Did he realize that I found out?
The machine pointed downwards.
"You humans truly are intelligent. It seems that I have underestimated you."
He looked away.
"I want to know why. Why I am here."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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