My Love, I love you. My Love, I miss you. My Love, I need you.

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And as my heart crumpled and fell apart
My love for her grew
Like a desert flower yearns for water
And the pain and loss
It's drawing in a breath when weights push down on your skeleton

Love's truest vow is to never cease
And for us, it never did
A heart was severed in two halves
And been kept apart as the days felt like years
Crippling my vulnerable soul

Though my heart mourns for her in the deepest shades of red
A love like ours shall never face a death
It will parish with us, and yet
It shall live on forevermore
No day shall there come that I forget my one true love

She lives among the meadows full of flowers
And the stars in all of the heavens above
She lives and she breaths the blue waves of the oceans
Her skin is in every grain of sand among the shore
For she lives within me
And my sweet love, she thrives

-Inspired by the film "Shakespeare In Love"

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