Chapter 45

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It's been a couple days since we've sent Rose and Emmett back to the Cullens waiting for Jacob to betray us

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It's been a couple days since we've sent Rose and Emmett back to the Cullens waiting for Jacob to betray us. I have been on edge and so have Ri.

We planned to leave Dakota napping upstairs while we were at Sam and Emily's that way Jacob could try and take her.

We were all sitting around the pack house. This is what we've done for a couple days now waiting for Jacob to make his move. While we were all hanging out comes inside.

"Hey guys" he said coming over and sitting down with us. We all greet him back.

"Is Dakota napping?" He asked.

"Yea she's been down for about 15 minutes" I told him.

We all went back to talking and acting like we weren't paying much attention to him but we were waiting. Soon he gets up and goes upstairs.

We had steve, Bucky, and Fenrir out in the woods hiding to watch and see if he comes through.
After 10 minutes of Jake being gone, Ri received a text saying Jacob just ran through the woods to their house. Ri sends Emily a text to stay at our house and the pack gets ready to go.

Ri was waiting for rose to text her saying she had Dakota. It wasn't long until my phone started ringing and it was the cullens.

"Hello Paul. It's nice to know you are back, but so sad to tell you we have your little girl and if you don't do as we say she dies." And they hang up.

I am seeing red and run out the door and phase. They have my daughter and will pay. The pack follows behind me and Ri and when we get there I see Rose holding Dakota and the rest of the Cullens have smirks on their faces.

"Well well looks like we will defeat you again Rieka." Carlisle says. She starts to growl even louder. Ri and I phase back.

"Oh you guys really don't want to mess with me. You have no idea what you are getting yourselves into." I says very angrily.

"But I think we do. All we want is for Ri to give her powers to Bella, then kill Ri and you come and be with Bella. Or we kill the little brat." Edward says.

I start growling but soon turns to a laugh. Ri looks at me and smiles and begins laughing too.

"What's so funny? We will literally kill your daughter right now." Alice says.

"Alright go ahead" Rieka says with a shrug.

They all look at us so Bella goes up and take the Dakota from Rosalie and hands her to Alice but when they unwrap her they are shocked. "Oh shit" Alice says.

"Yeah, oh shit is right. You see we knew this was going to happen." I tell them.

Flashback 2 night ago.
After Rose and Emmett came back we started making a plan.

"Paul I am not leaving my baby up stairs for Jacob to take. You are out of your damn mind." Ri yells at me.

"Okay but what about this, what if we get a fake baby, and the same time every day "put Dakota down for a nap" and go on about your day like you know nothing. Jacob will probably wait a few days to see if there's a time to get her alone. He won't check to see if it's really her or not because he will want to be out of there fast. Fenrir, Bucky and steve can be in the woods for patrol and watch to see if he comes through. If and when he does they can text Ri or you letting you know. Then have rose and Emmett text you when they have the baby. We wait for them to call and go there acting like we are ready to fight and give in but of course we don't." Embry says.

"Damn that's actually not a bad idea. But what will we do about the kids?" I ask.

"Have Emily, Kim and Leah stay at the house with them and Juliet. They will be inside the magic barrier so Jacob cannot get inside of it and neither can Bella or the Cullens. All imprints and kids will be safe." Ri says.

"Okay this could actually work. But you all need to know that Jacob will be sentenced for his crimes now." I say.

They all nod their heads understanding it has to be done. "Paul do what you need to do. I will let you handle this and support you all the way." Ri says kissing my cheek.

Flashback over.

"So you see we knew Jacob would use this imprint bond against us some how and betray the pack once again. But he failed to realize what I am now." I tell them getting angry.

"What do you mean? Your just Rieka's husband and imprint." Jacob says with a scoff and rolls his eyes.

"That's where your wrong. When Paul and I got married he became my equal in power making him king and both of us alphas of alphas. But funny thing is he also became a god like me but not just any god. He is the god of all supernatural life. Making him king over all supernatural species and now correct me if I'm wrong but vampires and shifters fall under supernatural." Ri says with a smile.

Jacob and the Cullens gulp and go wide eyed. "Yeah so you all just committed a crime not only against the treaty but also against the royal family." Ri finishes.

I step up and turn full feral dad mode now. I grab Jacob and start punching the shit out of him. He tries to fight back but he can't because I am stronger than him. Once I snap out of dad mode I go into King mode.

"Jacob Black, for your crimes against the La push pack of exposing them to a human, sharing our most sacred laws, trying to harm an imprint, and committing a crime against the royal family of trying to kidnap a member you are now stripped of your wolf ability and sentenced to the dungeons of Asgard until further notice." I say in a strong demand voice. He starts to scream in pain. Then Ri steps up.

"Jacob black you are also stripped of your imprint. And will never have one again." Ri says mumbling a spell breaking the bond.

We made sure Dakota wouldn't feel it break but Jacob would. He is on the ground screaming with tears rolling down his face and begging us not to do this. Soon the Asgardian guards and Uncle are here to take Jacob to the dungeons.

Once they are gone we turn back to the Cullen's. "This is your last chance and Bella is not to be turned. Cause more problems like this again and I will end you all." I say

We phase and run home to our babies knowing they are safe from Jacob, Bella and the cullens.

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