Chapter 13: Beacon's Welcoming

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~Ozpin's Tower~
*Narrator POV*

Three days have passed since the pool party with RWBY, JNPR, Sun, Neptune, along with the devils from Kuoh, Japan all hosted by (Y/N) and CRSN. However, in those days passing, was the day many of various Huntsmen and Huntress teams from Vacuo, Mistral, and Atlas would arrive at Beacon for the upcoming Vytal Festival, more for the Tournament. As more ships enter Beacon's ports, two Bullheads fly over as many of the transfer students walk down the path into Beacon, but also noticing the line of beautiful Cherry Blossom trees as they walked. We pan ourselves towards Ozpin's Tower where both Professors Ozpin and Goodwitch watch not only the students arriving, but the small military fleet that was arriving.

"Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work everywhere he travels." Glynda first speaks with some annoyance, and with good reason.

"Well running an academy and a military makes him a very busy man," Ozpin defends Ironwood briefly until agreeing with the mere sight. "But yes, those are a bit of an eyesore."

"Professor, I'm more concerned about (Y/N) and CRSN," Glynda speaks her worry. "I'm worried James will find out about those four revealed as Devils and he will somehow make them an enemy as "her.""

"That will not happen!" Ozpin says with a more raised voice. "I gave my word to both Sirzechs and Grayfia that I would protect their son and his peerage from James. "She" would be a different story, however."

"Do you think it's a good idea keeping "her" a secret from them?" Glynda asked. "Sirzechs is the current Satan of their Underworld."

"True, but Sirzechs has more pressing matters than dealing with our problems," Ozpin replied until a beeping sound was heard alerting the headmaster someone was requesting access to enter. "We will continue this later, Glynda. Come in."

From the elevator came the Headmaster of Atlas Academy and General of the Atlesian Military, James Ironwood.

"Ozpin!" Ironwood greeted cordially as he entered Ozpin's office. Ozpin and Glynda came around in front of the general and greeted him.

"Hello, General." Ozpin greeted the Atlas General while standing at attention.

"Please, drop the formalities," Ironwood said as the two came close and shook hands. "It's been too long!"

Glynda walks over to the two men shaking hands.

"And Glynda!" Ironwood said turning his gaze onto Glynda as she walked close. "It has certainly been too long since we last met."

"Oh, James..." Glynda replies while giving her own personable wave and immediately drops formalities. "I'll be outside."

Glynda walks away from the two and enters the elevator. Ozpin and Glynda took one look at each other and gave each other a slight nod, not enough to arouse suspicion to the general. The elevator doors closed and now the office was left with two headmasters.

"Well, she hasn't changed a bit." Ironwood says breaking the mere silence.

"So, what in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas?" Ozpin questions the general while pouring the said general a mug from a kettle. "Headmasters don't typically travel with their students for the Vytal Festival."

Ozpin finished pouring the mug and hands the filled mug to Ironwood.

"I love Vale this time of year," Ironwood replies while he grabs a canteen from his coat and pours its contents, more than likely alcohol of sorts, into the filled mug for a more acquired taste. "Besides, with you hosting, I thought this might be a good opportunity for us... to catch up." 

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