Chapter 18: The Dance and Infiltration

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~Beacon Dance Hall~

*(Y/N) Gremory POV*

Inside the soon-to-be dance hall, my peerage and I were helping Yang and Weiss set up the dance left off by CFVY since their mission is taking longer than expected. Anyways, Xenovia and Irina were getting the table placements settled, Neo was making sure everything was placed correctly, while I was moving stuff around, mainly the fog machines Yang wanted for the dance. I mean, you can't go wrong with fog machines at dances. IF they were the crazy, hyped-up dances that is but I felt like this was the type of fancy, formal dances. I could pass here or there on those type of dances. I looked towards Ruby, and she looked kind of glum.

"I guess Rosie is still hung up on Blake not going to the dance," I thought as I set down the fog machine where it needed to go. "Hell, I've tried talking to Blake, but she was really into getting this investigation over with."

"That is true, but that will only end once you have a clear head and at least keep yourself in a healthy condition," Ghozru agreed. "Blake is wearing herself out. Guess the pool party and "trip" to Japan only lessened her overbearing drive."

"That we agree on," I said and saw Weiss talking to Ruby. I walked over and saw Weiss showing her two tablecloths. "Hey girls, what's up?"

"Oh, hey (Y/N)." Ruby greeted me. Weiss turned towards me and showed me the two tablecloths.

"(Y/N), darling," Weiss spoke to me. "Which tablecloth would set the mood better?"

I looked at the tablecloths intensely until I pointed at the right tablecloth.

"I think the right one would suit the dance better." I replied.

"I knew I could trust your judgement," Weiss said and gave me a kiss on my cheek and walked away. "Love you, (Y/N)."

"Love you too, my lil snowflake," I replied and looked back onto Ruby. "Rosie, are you okay? Is it about Blake?"

"Yeah... it is..." Ruby replied and I rubbed her back. I saw Yang coming around with one of the larger speakers until she dropped in onto the ground which made the table, and us, bounce into the air a bit. Yang brushed her hands and walked over to us but wrapped her arms around my neck from behind where I felt her chest pressing against my back.

"Really Yang?" I asked her.

"Yup," Yang replied. I chuckled a bit and kissed Yang's cheek. Yang looked over at Ruby who was glum still. "So, have you picked out a dress yet?"

"What's the point? Ruby asked depressed. "Even when I go with (Y/N); who cares about the dance if Blake isn't going?"

"Oh, don't worry about that, Rosie," I assured her. "Blake's going."

"How can you be sure?" Ruby asked.

"Trust us Ruby," Irina shouted from across the room. "(Y/N) can be convincing if he wants to!"

"She has a point." I agreed with Irina and rubbed Ruby's hair. It cheered her up a bit until...

"Weiss! I thought we agreed! No doilies!" Yang yelled at Weiss and let go of me. I heard Weiss walking up to Yang.

"If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines." Weiss went at Yang, and she was getting mad. This is where I mediate.

"Girls, girls, please. Not in here," I spoke to the two and pushed them apart. "Look, we can have doilies for decoration while we have the fog machines near the DJ, okay? I don't want any arguments while we set this up, okay?"

"That's fair, I guess." Weiss agreed.

"Yeah, I can work with that." Yang agreed which I sighed in relief until we heard the doors open and saw both Sun and Neptune walking in.

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